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* @typedef {import('estree-jsx').Node} Node
* @typedef {import('estree-jsx').Expression} Expression
* @typedef {import('estree-jsx').ObjectExpression} ObjectExpression
* @typedef {import('estree-jsx').Property} Property
* @typedef {import('estree-jsx').ImportSpecifier} ImportSpecifier
* @typedef {import('estree-jsx').SpreadElement} SpreadElement
* @typedef {import('estree-jsx').MemberExpression} MemberExpression
* @typedef {import('estree-jsx').Literal} Literal
* @typedef {import('estree-jsx').Identifier} Identifier
* @typedef {import('estree-jsx').JSXAttribute} JSXAttribute
* @typedef {import('estree-jsx').JSXMemberExpression} JSXMemberExpression
* @typedef {import('estree-jsx').JSXNamespacedName} JSXNamespacedName
* @typedef {import('estree-jsx').JSXIdentifier} JSXIdentifier
* @typedef {'automatic' | 'classic'} Runtime
* How to transform JSX.
* @typedef Options
* Configuration.
* > 👉 **Note**: you can also configure `runtime`, `importSource`, `pragma`,
* > and `pragmaFrag` from within files through comments.
* @property {Runtime | null | undefined} [runtime='classic']
* Choose the runtime.
* Comment form: `@jsxRuntime theRuntime`.
* @property {string | null | undefined} [importSource='react']
* Place to import `jsx`, `jsxs`, `jsxDEV`, and `Fragment` from, when the
* effective runtime is automatic.
* Comment form: `@jsxImportSource theSource`.
* > 👉 **Note**: `/jsx-runtime` or `/jsx-dev-runtime` is appended to this
* > provided source.
* > In CJS, that can resolve to a file (as in `theSource/jsx-runtime.js`),
* > but for ESM an export map needs to be set up to point to files:
* >
* > ```js
* > // …
* > "exports": {
* > // …
* > "./jsx-runtime": "./path/to/jsx-runtime.js",
* > "./jsx-dev-runtime": "./path/to/jsx-runtime.js"
* > // …
* > ```
* @property {string | null | undefined} [pragma='React.createElement']
* Identifier or member expression to call when the effective runtime is
* classic.
* Comment form: `@jsx identifier`.
* @property {string | null | undefined} [pragmaFrag='React.Fragment']
* Identifier or member expression to use as a symbol for fragments when the
* effective runtime is classic.
* Comment form: `@jsxFrag identifier`.
* @property {boolean | null | undefined} [development=false]
* When in the automatic runtime, whether to import
* `theSource/jsx-dev-runtime.js`, use `jsxDEV`, and pass location info when
* available.
* This helps debugging but adds a lot of code that you dont want in
* production.
* @property {string | null | undefined} [filePath]
* File path to the original source file.
* Passed in location info to `jsxDEV` when using the automatic runtime with
* `development: true`.
* @typedef Annotations
* State where info from comments is gathered.
* @property {Runtime | undefined} [jsxRuntime]
* Runtime.
* @property {string | undefined} [jsx]
* JSX identifier (`pragma`).
* @property {string | undefined} [jsxFrag]
* JSX identifier of fragment (`pragmaFrag`).
* @property {string | undefined} [jsxImportSource]
* Where to import an automatic JSX runtime from.
* @typedef Imports
* State of used identifiers from the automatic runtime.
* @property {boolean | undefined} [fragment]
* Symbol of `Fragment`.
* @property {boolean | undefined} [jsx]
* Symbol of `jsx`.
* @property {boolean | undefined} [jsxs]
* Symbol of `jsxs`.
* @property {boolean | undefined} [jsxDEV]
* Symbol of `jsxDEV`.
import {walk} from 'estree-walker'
import {name as isIdentifierName} from 'estree-util-is-identifier-name'
const regex = /@(jsx|jsxFrag|jsxImportSource|jsxRuntime)\s+(\S+)/g
* Turn JSX in `tree` into function calls: `<x />` -> `h('x')`!
* ###### Algorithm
* In almost all cases, this utility is the same as the Babel plugin, except that
* they work on slightly different syntax trees.
* Some differences:
* * no pure annotations things
* * `this` is not a component: `<this>` -> `h('this')`, not `h(this)`
* * namespaces are supported: `<a:b c:d>` -> `h('a:b', {'c:d': true})`,
* which throws by default in Babel or can be turned on with `throwIfNamespace`
* * no `useSpread`, `useBuiltIns`, or `filter` options
* @template {Node} Tree
* Node type.
* @param {Tree} tree
* Tree to transform (typically `Program`).
* @param {Options | null | undefined} [options={}]
* Configuration (optional).
* @returns {Tree}
* Given, modified, `tree`.
// To do next major: do not return the given Node.
export function buildJsx(tree, options) {
const config = options || {}
let automatic = config.runtime === 'automatic'
/** @type {Annotations} */
const annotations = {}
/** @type {Imports} */
const imports = {}
walk(tree, {
// @ts-expect-error: hush, `estree-walker` is broken.
enter(/** @type {Node} */ node) {
if (node.type === 'Program') {
const comments = node.comments || []
let index = -1
while (++index < comments.length) {
regex.lastIndex = 0
let match = regex.exec(comments[index].value)
while (match) {
// @ts-expect-error: indexable.
annotations[match[1]] = match[2]
match = regex.exec(comments[index].value)
if (annotations.jsxRuntime) {
if (annotations.jsxRuntime === 'automatic') {
automatic = true
if (annotations.jsx) {
throw new Error('Unexpected `@jsx` pragma w/ automatic runtime')
if (annotations.jsxFrag) {
throw new Error(
'Unexpected `@jsxFrag` pragma w/ automatic runtime'
} else if (annotations.jsxRuntime === 'classic') {
automatic = false
if (annotations.jsxImportSource) {
throw new Error(
'Unexpected `@jsxImportSource` w/ classic runtime'
} else {
throw new Error(
'Unexpected `jsxRuntime` `' +
annotations.jsxRuntime +
'`, expected `automatic` or `classic`'
// @ts-expect-error: hush, `estree-walker` is broken.
// eslint-disable-next-line complexity
leave(/** @type {Node} */ node) {
if (node.type === 'Program') {
/** @type {Array<ImportSpecifier>} */
const specifiers = []
if (imports.fragment) {
type: 'ImportSpecifier',
imported: {type: 'Identifier', name: 'Fragment'},
local: {type: 'Identifier', name: '_Fragment'}
if (imports.jsx) {
type: 'ImportSpecifier',
imported: {type: 'Identifier', name: 'jsx'},
local: {type: 'Identifier', name: '_jsx'}
if (imports.jsxs) {
type: 'ImportSpecifier',
imported: {type: 'Identifier', name: 'jsxs'},
local: {type: 'Identifier', name: '_jsxs'}
if (imports.jsxDEV) {
type: 'ImportSpecifier',
imported: {type: 'Identifier', name: 'jsxDEV'},
local: {type: 'Identifier', name: '_jsxDEV'}
if (specifiers.length > 0) {
type: 'ImportDeclaration',
source: {
type: 'Literal',
(annotations.jsxImportSource ||
config.importSource ||
'react') +
(config.development ? '/jsx-dev-runtime' : '/jsx-runtime')
if (node.type !== 'JSXElement' && node.type !== 'JSXFragment') {
/** @type {Array<Expression>} */
const children = []
let index = -1
// Figure out `children`.
while (++index < node.children.length) {
const child = node.children[index]
if (child.type === 'JSXExpressionContainer') {
// Ignore empty expressions.
if (child.expression.type !== 'JSXEmptyExpression') {
} else if (child.type === 'JSXText') {
const value = child.value
// Replace tabs w/ spaces.
.replace(/\t/g, ' ')
// Use line feeds, drop spaces around them.
.replace(/ *(\r?\n|\r) */g, '\n')
// Collapse multiple line feeds.
.replace(/\n+/g, '\n')
// Drop final line feeds.
.replace(/\n+$/, '')
// Drop first line feeds.
.replace(/^\n+/, '')
// Replace line feeds with spaces.
.replace(/\n/g, ' ')
// Ignore collapsible text.
if (value) {
children.push(create(child, {type: 'Literal', value}))
} else {
// @ts-expect-error JSX{Element,Fragment} have already been compiled,
// and `JSXSpreadChild` is not supported in Babel either, so ignore
// it.
/** @type {MemberExpression | Literal | Identifier} */
let name
/** @type {Array<Property>} */
let fields = []
/** @type {Array<Expression>} */
const objects = []
/** @type {Array<Expression | SpreadElement>} */
let parameters = []
/** @type {Expression | undefined} */
let key
// Do the stuff needed for elements.
if (node.type === 'JSXElement') {
name = toIdentifier(node.openingElement.name)
// If the name could be an identifier, but start with a lowercase letter,
// its not a component.
if (name.type === 'Identifier' && /^[a-z]/.test(name.name)) {
name = create(name, {type: 'Literal', value: name.name})
/** @type {boolean | undefined} */
let spread
const attributes = node.openingElement.attributes
let index = -1
// Place props in the right order, because we might have duplicates
// in them and whats spread in.
while (++index < attributes.length) {
const attribute = attributes[index]
if (attribute.type === 'JSXSpreadAttribute') {
if (fields.length > 0) {
objects.push({type: 'ObjectExpression', properties: fields})
fields = []
spread = true
} else {
const prop = toProperty(attribute)
if (
automatic &&
prop.key.type === 'Identifier' &&
prop.key.name === 'key'
) {
if (spread) {
throw new Error(
'Expected `key` to come before any spread expressions'
// @ts-expect-error I cant see object patterns being used as
// attribute values? 🤷‍♂️
key = prop.value
} else {
// …and fragments.
else if (automatic) {
imports.fragment = true
name = {type: 'Identifier', name: '_Fragment'}
} else {
name = toMemberExpression(
annotations.jsxFrag || config.pragmaFrag || 'React.Fragment'
if (automatic) {
if (children.length > 0) {
type: 'Property',
key: {type: 'Identifier', name: 'children'},
children.length > 1
? {type: 'ArrayExpression', elements: children}
: children[0],
kind: 'init',
method: false,
shorthand: false,
computed: false
} else {
parameters = children
if (fields.length > 0) {
objects.push({type: 'ObjectExpression', properties: fields})
/** @type {Expression | undefined} */
let props
/** @type {MemberExpression | Literal | Identifier} */
let callee
if (objects.length > 1) {
// Dont mutate the first object, shallow clone instead.
if (objects[0].type !== 'ObjectExpression') {
objects.unshift({type: 'ObjectExpression', properties: []})
props = {
type: 'CallExpression',
callee: toMemberExpression('Object.assign'),
arguments: objects,
optional: false
} else if (objects.length > 0) {
props = objects[0]
if (automatic) {
parameters.push(props || {type: 'ObjectExpression', properties: []})
if (key) {
} else if (config.development) {
parameters.push({type: 'Identifier', name: 'undefined'})
const isStaticChildren = children.length > 1
if (config.development) {
imports.jsxDEV = true
callee = {
type: 'Identifier',
name: '_jsxDEV'
parameters.push({type: 'Literal', value: isStaticChildren})
/** @type {ObjectExpression} */
const source = {
type: 'ObjectExpression',
properties: [
type: 'Property',
method: false,
shorthand: false,
computed: false,
kind: 'init',
key: {type: 'Identifier', name: 'fileName'},
value: {
type: 'Literal',
value: config.filePath || '<source.js>'
if (node.loc) {
type: 'Property',
method: false,
shorthand: false,
computed: false,
kind: 'init',
key: {type: 'Identifier', name: 'lineNumber'},
value: {type: 'Literal', value: node.loc.start.line}
type: 'Property',
method: false,
shorthand: false,
computed: false,
kind: 'init',
key: {type: 'Identifier', name: 'columnNumber'},
value: {type: 'Literal', value: node.loc.start.column + 1}
parameters.push(source, {type: 'ThisExpression'})
} else if (isStaticChildren) {
imports.jsxs = true
callee = {type: 'Identifier', name: '_jsxs'}
} else {
imports.jsx = true
callee = {type: 'Identifier', name: '_jsx'}
// Classic.
else {
// There are props or children.
if (props || parameters.length > 0) {
parameters.unshift(props || {type: 'Literal', value: null})
callee = toMemberExpression(
annotations.jsx || config.pragma || 'React.createElement'
// Types of `estree-walker` are wrong
create(node, {
type: 'CallExpression',
arguments: parameters,
optional: false
return tree
* @param {JSXAttribute} node
* @returns {Property}
function toProperty(node) {
/** @type {Expression} */
let value
if (node.value) {
if (node.value.type === 'JSXExpressionContainer') {
// @ts-expect-error `JSXEmptyExpression` is not allowed in props.
value = node.value.expression
// Literal or call expression.
else {
// @ts-expect-error: JSX{Element,Fragment} are already compiled to
// `CallExpression`.
value = node.value
// @ts-expect-error Remove `raw` so we dont get character references in
// strings.
delete value.raw
// Boolean prop.
else {
value = {type: 'Literal', value: true}
return create(node, {
type: 'Property',
key: toIdentifier(node.name),
kind: 'init',
method: false,
shorthand: false,
computed: false
* @param {JSXMemberExpression | JSXNamespacedName | JSXIdentifier} node
* @returns {MemberExpression | Identifier | Literal}
function toIdentifier(node) {
/** @type {MemberExpression | Identifier | Literal} */
let replace
if (node.type === 'JSXMemberExpression') {
// `property` is always a `JSXIdentifier`, but it could be something that
// isnt an ES identifier name.
const id = toIdentifier(node.property)
replace = {
type: 'MemberExpression',
object: toIdentifier(node.object),
property: id,
computed: id.type === 'Literal',
optional: false
} else if (node.type === 'JSXNamespacedName') {
replace = {
type: 'Literal',
value: node.namespace.name + ':' + node.name.name
// Must be `JSXIdentifier`.
else {
replace = isIdentifierName(node.name)
? {type: 'Identifier', name: node.name}
: {type: 'Literal', value: node.name}
return create(node, replace)
* @param {string} id
* @returns {Identifier | Literal | MemberExpression}
function toMemberExpression(id) {
const identifiers = id.split('.')
let index = -1
/** @type {Identifier | Literal | MemberExpression | undefined} */
let result
while (++index < identifiers.length) {
/** @type {Identifier | Literal} */
const prop = isIdentifierName(identifiers[index])
? {type: 'Identifier', name: identifiers[index]}
: {type: 'Literal', value: identifiers[index]}
result = result
? {
type: 'MemberExpression',
object: result,
property: prop,
computed: Boolean(index && prop.type === 'Literal'),
optional: false
: prop
// @ts-expect-error: always a result.
return result
* @template {Node} T
* @param {Node} from
* @param {T} node
* @returns {T}
function create(from, node) {
const fields = ['start', 'end', 'loc', 'range', 'comments']
let index = -1
while (++index < fields.length) {
const field = fields[index]
if (field in from) {
// @ts-expect-error: indexable.
node[field] = from[field]
return node