2023-07-19 21:31:30 +02:00

551 lines
16 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

* @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
* @typedef {import('parse5').Document} P5Document
* @typedef {import('parse5').DocumentFragment} P5Fragment
* @typedef {Omit<import('parse5').Element, 'parentNode'>} P5Element
* @typedef {import('parse5').Attribute} P5Attribute
* @typedef {Omit<import('parse5').Location, 'startOffset' | 'endOffset'> & {startOffset: number|undefined, endOffset: number|undefined}} P5Location
* @typedef {import('parse5').ParserOptions} P5ParserOptions
* @typedef {import('hast').Root} Root
* @typedef {import('hast').DocType} Doctype
* @typedef {import('hast').Element} Element
* @typedef {import('hast').Text} Text
* @typedef {import('hast').Comment} Comment
* @typedef {import('hast').Content} Content
* @typedef {Root|Content} Node
* @typedef {import('../complex-types').Raw} Raw
* @typedef {Omit<Comment, 'value'> & {value: {stitch: Node}}} Stitch
* @typedef Options
* @property {Array<string>} [passThrough]
* List of custom hast node types to pass through (keep) in hast.
* If the passed through nodes have children, those children are expected to
* be hast and will be handled.
* @typedef HiddenTokenizer
* @property {Array<HiddenLocationTracker>} __mixins
* Way too simple, but works for us.
* @property {HiddenPreprocessor} preprocessor
* @property {(value: string) => void} write
* @property {() => number} _consume
* @property {Array<HiddenToken>} tokenQueue
* @property {string} state
* @property {string} returnState
* @property {number} charRefCode
* @property {Array<number>} tempBuff
* @property {Function} _flushCodePointsConsumedAsCharacterReference
* @property {string} lastStartTagName
* @property {number} consumedAfterSnapshot
* @property {boolean} active
* @property {HiddenToken|undefined} currentCharacterToken
* @property {HiddenToken|undefined} currentToken
* @property {unknown} currentAttr
* @typedef {Record<string, unknown> & {location: P5Location}} HiddenToken
* @typedef HiddenPreprocessor
* @property {string|undefined} html
* @property {number} pos
* @property {number} lastGapPos
* @property {number} lastCharPos
* @property {Array<number>} gapStack
* @property {boolean} skipNextNewLine
* @property {boolean} lastChunkWritten
* @property {boolean} endOfChunkHit
* @typedef HiddenLocationTracker
* @property {P5Location|undefined} currentAttrLocation
* @property {P5Location} ctLoc
* @property {HiddenPosTracker} posTracker
* @typedef HiddenPosTracker
* @property {boolean} isEol
* @property {number} lineStartPos
* @property {number} droppedBufferSize
* @property {number} offset
* @property {number} col
* @property {number} line
// @ts-expect-error: untyped.
import Parser from 'parse5/lib/parser/index.js'
import {pointStart, pointEnd} from 'unist-util-position'
import {visit} from 'unist-util-visit'
import {fromParse5} from 'hast-util-from-parse5'
import {toParse5} from 'hast-util-to-parse5'
import {htmlVoidElements} from 'html-void-elements'
import {webNamespaces} from 'web-namespaces'
import {zwitch} from 'zwitch'
const inTemplateMode = 'IN_TEMPLATE_MODE'
const dataState = 'DATA_STATE'
const characterToken = 'CHARACTER_TOKEN'
const startTagToken = 'START_TAG_TOKEN'
const endTagToken = 'END_TAG_TOKEN'
const commentToken = 'COMMENT_TOKEN'
const doctypeToken = 'DOCTYPE_TOKEN'
/** @type {P5ParserOptions} */
const parseOptions = {sourceCodeLocationInfo: true, scriptingEnabled: false}
* Given a hast tree and an optional vfile (for positional info), return a new
* parsed-again hast tree.
* @param tree
* Original hast tree.
* @param file
* Virtual file for positional info, optional.
* @param options
* Configuration.
export const raw =
* @type {(
* ((tree: Node, file: VFile|undefined, options?: Options) => Node) &
* ((tree: Node, options?: Options) => Node)
* )}
* @param {Node} tree
* @param {VFile} [file]
* @param {Options} [options]
function (tree, file, options) {
let index = -1
const parser = new Parser(parseOptions)
const one = zwitch('type', {
handlers: {root, element, text, comment, doctype, raw: handleRaw},
// @ts-expect-error: hush.
/** @type {boolean|undefined} */
let stitches
/** @type {HiddenTokenizer|undefined} */
let tokenizer
/** @type {HiddenPreprocessor|undefined} */
let preprocessor
/** @type {HiddenPosTracker|undefined} */
let posTracker
/** @type {HiddenLocationTracker|undefined} */
let locationTracker
if (isOptions(file)) {
options = file
file = undefined
if (options && options.passThrough) {
while (++index < options.passThrough.length) {
// @ts-expect-error: hush.
one.handlers[options.passThrough[index]] = stitch
const result = fromParse5(
documentMode(tree) ? document() : fragment(),
if (stitches) {
visit(result, 'comment', (node, index, parent) => {
const stitch = /** @type {Stitch} */ (/** @type {unknown} */ (node))
if (stitch.value.stitch && parent !== null && index !== null) {
// @ts-expect-error: assume the stitch is allowed.
parent.children[index] = stitch.value.stitch
return index
// Unpack if possible and when not given a `root`.
if (
tree.type !== 'root' &&
result.type === 'root' &&
result.children.length === 1
) {
return result.children[0]
return result
* @returns {P5Fragment}
function fragment() {
/** @type {P5Element} */
const context = {
nodeName: 'template',
tagName: 'template',
attrs: [],
namespaceURI: webNamespaces.html,
childNodes: []
/** @type {P5Element} */
const mock = {
nodeName: 'documentmock',
tagName: 'documentmock',
attrs: [],
namespaceURI: webNamespaces.html,
childNodes: []
/** @type {P5Fragment} */
const doc = {nodeName: '#document-fragment', childNodes: []}
parser._bootstrap(mock, context)
tokenizer = parser.tokenizer
/* c8 ignore next */
if (!tokenizer) throw new Error('Expected `tokenizer`')
preprocessor = tokenizer.preprocessor
locationTracker = tokenizer.__mixins[0]
posTracker = locationTracker.posTracker
parser._adoptNodes(mock.childNodes[0], doc)
return doc
* @returns {P5Document}
function document() {
/** @type {P5Document} */
const doc = parser.treeAdapter.createDocument()
parser._bootstrap(doc, undefined)
tokenizer = parser.tokenizer
/* c8 ignore next */
if (!tokenizer) throw new Error('Expected `tokenizer`')
preprocessor = tokenizer.preprocessor
locationTracker = tokenizer.__mixins[0]
posTracker = locationTracker.posTracker
return doc
* @param {Array<Content>} nodes
* @returns {void}
function all(nodes) {
let index = -1
/* istanbul ignore else - invalid nodes, see rehypejs/rehype-raw#7. */
if (nodes) {
while (++index < nodes.length) {
* @param {Root} node
* @returns {void}
function root(node) {
* @param {Element} node
* @returns {void}
function element(node) {
if (!htmlVoidElements.includes(node.tagName)) {
* @param {Text} node
* @returns {void}
function text(node) {
type: characterToken,
chars: node.value,
location: createParse5Location(node)
* @param {Doctype} node
* @returns {void}
function doctype(node) {
type: doctypeToken,
name: 'html',
forceQuirks: false,
publicId: '',
systemId: '',
location: createParse5Location(node)
* @param {Comment|Stitch} node
* @returns {void}
function comment(node) {
type: commentToken,
data: node.value,
location: createParse5Location(node)
* @param {Raw} node
* @returns {void}
function handleRaw(node) {
const start = pointStart(node)
const line = start.line || 1
const column = start.column || 1
const offset = start.offset || 0
/* c8 ignore next 4 */
if (!preprocessor) throw new Error('Expected `preprocessor`')
if (!tokenizer) throw new Error('Expected `tokenizer`')
if (!posTracker) throw new Error('Expected `posTracker`')
if (!locationTracker) throw new Error('Expected `locationTracker`')
// Reset preprocessor:
// See: <https://github.com/inikulin/parse5/blob/9c683e1/packages/parse5/lib/tokenizer/preprocessor.js#L17>.
preprocessor.html = undefined
preprocessor.pos = -1
preprocessor.lastGapPos = -1
preprocessor.lastCharPos = -1
preprocessor.gapStack = []
preprocessor.skipNextNewLine = false
preprocessor.lastChunkWritten = false
preprocessor.endOfChunkHit = false
// Reset preprocessor mixin:
// See: <https://github.com/inikulin/parse5/blob/9c683e1/packages/parse5/lib/extensions/position-tracking/preprocessor-mixin.js>.
posTracker.isEol = false
posTracker.lineStartPos = -column + 1 // Looks weird, but ensures we get correct positional info.
posTracker.droppedBufferSize = offset
posTracker.offset = 0
posTracker.col = 1
posTracker.line = line
// Reset location tracker:
// See: <https://github.com/inikulin/parse5/blob/9c683e1/packages/parse5/lib/extensions/location-info/tokenizer-mixin.js>.
locationTracker.currentAttrLocation = undefined
locationTracker.ctLoc = createParse5Location(node)
// See the code for `parse` and `parseFragment`:
// See: <https://github.com/inikulin/parse5/blob/9c683e1/packages/parse5/lib/parser/index.js#L371>.
// Character references hang, so if we ended there, we need to flush
// those too.
// We reset the preprocessor as if the document ends here.
// Then one single call to the relevant state does the trick, parse5
// consumes the whole token.
if (
tokenizer.state === 'NAMED_CHARACTER_REFERENCE_STATE' ||
) {
preprocessor.lastChunkWritten = true
* @param {Node} node
function stitch(node) {
stitches = true
/** @type {Node} */
let clone
// Recurse, because to somewhat handle `[<x>]</x>` (where `[]` denotes the
// passed through node).
if ('children' in node) {
clone = {
children: raw(
{type: 'root', children: node.children},
// @ts-expect-error Assume a given parent yields a parent.
} else {
clone = {...node}
// Hack: `value` is supposed to be a string, but as none of the tools
// (`parse5` or `hast-util-from-parse5`) looks at it, we can pass nodes
// through.
comment({type: 'comment', value: {stitch: clone}})
function resetTokenizer() {
/* c8 ignore next 2 */
if (!tokenizer) throw new Error('Expected `tokenizer`')
if (!posTracker) throw new Error('Expected `posTracker`')
// Process final characters if theyre still there after hibernating.
// Similar to:
// See: <https://github.com/inikulin/parse5/blob/9c683e1/packages/parse5/lib/extensions/location-info/tokenizer-mixin.js#L95>.
const token = tokenizer.currentCharacterToken
if (token) {
token.location.endLine = posTracker.line
token.location.endCol = posTracker.col + 1
token.location.endOffset = posTracker.offset + 1
// Reset tokenizer:
// See: <https://github.com/inikulin/parse5/blob/9c683e1/packages/parse5/lib/tokenizer/index.js#L218-L234>.
// Especially putting it back in the `data` state is useful: some elements,
// like textareas and iframes, change the state.
// See GH-7.
// But also if broken HTML is in `raw`, and then a correct element is given.
// See GH-11.
tokenizer.tokenQueue = []
tokenizer.state = dataState
tokenizer.returnState = ''
tokenizer.charRefCode = -1
tokenizer.tempBuff = []
tokenizer.lastStartTagName = ''
tokenizer.consumedAfterSnapshot = -1
tokenizer.active = false
tokenizer.currentCharacterToken = undefined
tokenizer.currentToken = undefined
tokenizer.currentAttr = undefined
* @param {Element} node
* @returns {HiddenToken}
function startTag(node) {
/** @type {P5Location} */
const location = Object.assign(createParse5Location(node))
// @ts-expect-error extra positional info.
location.startTag = Object.assign({}, location)
// Untyped token.
return {
type: startTagToken,
tagName: node.tagName,
selfClosing: false,
attrs: attributes(node),
* @param {Element} node
* @returns {Array<P5Attribute>}
function attributes(node) {
return toParse5({
tagName: node.tagName,
type: 'element',
properties: node.properties,
children: []
// @ts-expect-error Assume element.
* @param {Element} node
* @returns {HiddenToken}
function endTag(node) {
/** @type {P5Location} */
const location = Object.assign(createParse5Location(node))
// @ts-expect-error extra positional info.
location.startTag = Object.assign({}, location)
// Untyped token.
return {
type: endTagToken,
tagName: node.tagName,
attrs: [],
* @param {Node} node
function unknown(node) {
throw new Error('Cannot compile `' + node.type + '` node')
* @param {Node} node
* @returns {boolean}
function documentMode(node) {
const head = node.type === 'root' ? node.children[0] : node
return Boolean(
head &&
(head.type === 'doctype' ||
(head.type === 'element' && head.tagName === 'html'))
* @param {Node|Stitch} node
* @returns {P5Location}
function createParse5Location(node) {
const start = pointStart(node)
const end = pointEnd(node)
return {
startLine: start.line,
startCol: start.column,
startOffset: start.offset,
endLine: end.line,
endCol: end.column,
endOffset: end.offset
* @param {VFile|Options|undefined} value
* @return {value is Options}
function isOptions(value) {
return Boolean(value && !('message' in value && 'messages' in value))