2023-07-19 21:31:30 +02:00

827 lines
29 KiB

'use strict';
var node_module = require('node:module');
var synckit = require('synckit');
var _doc = require('prettier/doc');
var node_buffer = require('node:buffer');
var sassFormatter = require('sass-formatter');
const options = {
astroAllowShorthand: {
since: '0.0.10',
category: 'Astro',
type: 'boolean',
default: false,
description: 'Enable/disable attribute shorthand if attribute name and expression are the same',
const selfClosingTags = [
const blockElements = [
const formattableAttributes = [];
const req$1 = node_module.createRequire((typeof document === 'undefined' ? new (require('u' + 'rl').URL)('file:' + __filename).href : (document.currentScript && document.currentScript.src || new URL('index.js', document.baseURI).href)));
let workerPath$1;
try {
workerPath$1 = req$1.resolve('../workers/serialize-worker.js');
catch (e) {
workerPath$1 = req$1.resolve('prettier-plugin-astro/workers/serialize-worker.js');
const serialize = synckit.createSyncFn(req$1.resolve(workerPath$1));
const openingBracketReplace = '_Pé';
const closingBracketReplace = 'èP_';
const atSignReplace = 'ΩP_';
const dotReplace = 'ωP_';
function isInlineElement(path, opts, node) {
return node && node.type === 'element' && !isBlockElement(node, opts) && !isPreTagContent(path);
function isBlockElement(node, opts) {
return ((node &&
node.type === 'element' &&
opts.htmlWhitespaceSensitivity !== 'strict' &&
(opts.htmlWhitespaceSensitivity === 'ignore' ||
blockElements.includes(node.name))) ||
node.type === 'component' ||
node.type === 'fragment');
function isIgnoreDirective(node) {
return node.type === 'comment' && node.value.trim() === 'prettier-ignore';
function printRaw(node, stripLeadingAndTrailingNewline = false) {
if (!isNodeWithChildren(node)) {
return '';
if (node.children.length === 0) {
return '';
let raw = node.children.reduce((prev, curr) => prev + serialize(curr), '');
if (!stripLeadingAndTrailingNewline) {
return raw;
if (startsWithLinebreak(raw)) {
raw = raw.substring(raw.indexOf('\n') + 1);
if (endsWithLinebreak(raw)) {
raw = raw.substring(0, raw.lastIndexOf('\n'));
if (raw.charAt(raw.length - 1) === '\r') {
raw = raw.substring(0, raw.length - 1);
return raw;
function isNodeWithChildren(node) {
return node && 'children' in node && Array.isArray(node.children);
const isEmptyTextNode = (node) => {
return !!node && node.type === 'text' && getUnencodedText(node).trim() === '';
function getUnencodedText(node) {
return node.value;
function isTextNodeStartingWithLinebreak(node, nrLines = 1) {
return startsWithLinebreak(getUnencodedText(node), nrLines);
function startsWithLinebreak(text, nrLines = 1) {
return new RegExp(`^([\\t\\f\\r ]*\\n){${nrLines}}`).test(text);
function endsWithLinebreak(text, nrLines = 1) {
return new RegExp(`(\\n[\\t\\f\\r ]*){${nrLines}}$`).test(text);
function isTextNodeStartingWithWhitespace(node) {
return isTextNode(node) && /^\s/.test(getUnencodedText(node));
function endsWithWhitespace(text) {
return /\s$/.test(text);
function isTextNodeEndingWithWhitespace(node) {
return isTextNode(node) && endsWithWhitespace(getUnencodedText(node));
function hasSetDirectives(node) {
const attributes = Array.from(node.attributes, (attr) => attr.name);
return attributes.some((attr) => ['set:html', 'set:text'].includes(attr));
function shouldHugStart(node, opts) {
if (isBlockElement(node, opts)) {
return false;
if (node.type === 'fragment') {
return false;
if (!isNodeWithChildren(node)) {
return false;
const children = node.children;
if (children.length === 0) {
return true;
const firstChild = children[0];
return !isTextNodeStartingWithWhitespace(firstChild);
function shouldHugEnd(node, opts) {
if (isBlockElement(node, opts)) {
return false;
if (!isNodeWithChildren(node)) {
return false;
const children = node.children;
if (children.length === 0) {
return true;
const lastChild = children[children.length - 1];
if (isExpressionNode(lastChild))
return true;
if (isTagLikeNode(lastChild))
return true;
return !isTextNodeEndingWithWhitespace(lastChild);
function canOmitSoftlineBeforeClosingTag(path, opts) {
return isLastChildWithinParentBlockElement(path, opts);
function getChildren(node) {
return isNodeWithChildren(node) ? node.children : [];
function isLastChildWithinParentBlockElement(path, opts) {
const parent = path.getParentNode();
if (!parent || !isBlockElement(parent, opts)) {
return false;
const children = getChildren(parent);
const lastChild = children[children.length - 1];
return lastChild === path.getNode();
function trimTextNodeLeft(node) {
node.value = node.value && node.value.trimStart();
function trimTextNodeRight(node) {
node.value = node.value && node.value.trimEnd();
function printClassNames(value) {
return value.trim().split(/\s+/).join(' ');
function manualDedent(input) {
let minTabSize = Infinity;
let result = input;
result = result.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n');
let char = '';
for (const line of result.split('\n')) {
if (!line)
if (line[0] && /^[^\s]/.test(line[0])) {
minTabSize = 0;
const match = line.match(/^(\s+)\S+/);
if (match) {
if (match[1] && !char)
char = match[1][0];
if (match[1].length < minTabSize)
minTabSize = match[1].length;
if (minTabSize > 0 && Number.isFinite(minTabSize)) {
result = result.replace(new RegExp(`^${new Array(minTabSize + 1).join(char)}`, 'gm'), '');
return {
tabSize: minTabSize === Infinity ? 0 : minTabSize,
function isTextNode(node) {
return node.type === 'text';
function isExpressionNode(node) {
return node.type === 'expression';
function isTagLikeNode(node) {
return (node.type === 'element' ||
node.type === 'component' ||
node.type === 'custom-element' ||
node.type === 'fragment');
function getSiblings(path) {
const parent = path.getParentNode();
if (!parent)
return [];
return getChildren(parent);
function getNextNode(path) {
var _a, _b, _c, _d;
const node = path.getNode();
if (node) {
const siblings = getSiblings(path);
if (((_a = node.position) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.start) === ((_b = siblings[siblings.length - 1].position) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.start))
return null;
for (let i = 0; i < siblings.length; i++) {
const sibling = siblings[i];
if (((_c = sibling.position) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.start) === ((_d = node.position) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.start) && i !== siblings.length - 1) {
return siblings[i + 1];
return null;
const isPreTagContent = (path) => {
if (!path || !path.stack || !Array.isArray(path.stack))
return false;
return path.stack.some((node) => (node.type === 'element' && node.name.toLowerCase() === 'pre') ||
(node.type === 'attribute' && !formattableAttributes.includes(node.name)));
function getPreferredQuote(rawContent, preferredQuote) {
const double = { quote: '"', regex: /"/g, escaped: '&quot;' };
const single = { quote: "'", regex: /'/g, escaped: '&apos;' };
const preferred = preferredQuote === "'" ? single : double;
const alternate = preferred === single ? double : single;
let result = preferred;
if (rawContent.includes(preferred.quote) || rawContent.includes(alternate.quote)) {
const numPreferredQuotes = (rawContent.match(preferred.regex) || []).length;
const numAlternateQuotes = (rawContent.match(alternate.regex) || []).length;
result = numPreferredQuotes > numAlternateQuotes ? alternate : preferred;
return result;
function inferParserByTypeAttribute(type) {
if (!type) {
return 'babel-ts';
switch (type) {
case 'module':
case 'text/javascript':
case 'text/babel':
case 'application/javascript':
return 'babel';
case 'application/x-typescript':
return 'babel-ts';
case 'text/markdown':
return 'markdown';
case 'text/html':
return 'html';
case 'text/x-handlebars-template':
return 'glimmer';
if (type.endsWith('json') || type.endsWith('importmap') || type === 'speculationrules') {
return 'json';
return 'babel-ts';
const { builders: { breakParent, dedent, fill, group: group$1, indent: indent$1, join: join$1, line: line$1, softline: softline$1, hardline: hardline$1, literalline, }, utils: { stripTrailingHardline: stripTrailingHardline$1 }, } = _doc;
let ignoreNext = false;
function print(path, opts, print) {
const node = path.getValue();
if (!node) {
return '';
if (ignoreNext && !isEmptyTextNode(node)) {
ignoreNext = false;
return [
.slice(opts.locStart(node), opts.locEnd(node))
.map((lineContent, i) => (i == 0 ? [lineContent] : [literalline, lineContent]))
if (typeof node === 'string') {
return node;
switch (node.type) {
case 'root': {
return [stripTrailingHardline$1(path.map(print, 'children')), hardline$1];
case 'text': {
const rawText = getUnencodedText(node);
if (isEmptyTextNode(node)) {
const hasWhiteSpace = rawText.trim().length < getUnencodedText(node).length;
const hasOneOrMoreNewlines = /\n/.test(getUnencodedText(node));
const hasTwoOrMoreNewlines = /\n\r?\s*\n\r?/.test(getUnencodedText(node));
if (hasTwoOrMoreNewlines) {
return [hardline$1, hardline$1];
if (hasOneOrMoreNewlines) {
return hardline$1;
if (hasWhiteSpace) {
return line$1;
return '';
return fill(splitTextToDocs(node));
case 'component':
case 'fragment':
case 'custom-element':
case 'element': {
let isEmpty;
if (!node.children) {
isEmpty = true;
else {
isEmpty = node.children.every((child) => isEmptyTextNode(child));
const isSelfClosingTag = isEmpty &&
(node.type === 'component' ||
selfClosingTags.includes(node.name) ||
const isSingleLinePerAttribute = opts.singleAttributePerLine && node.attributes.length > 1;
const attributeLine = isSingleLinePerAttribute ? breakParent : '';
const attributes = join$1(attributeLine, path.map(print, 'attributes'));
if (isSelfClosingTag) {
return group$1(['<', node.name, indent$1(attributes), line$1, `/>`]);
if (node.children) {
const children = node.children;
const firstChild = children[0];
const lastChild = children[children.length - 1];
let noHugSeparatorStart = softline$1;
let noHugSeparatorEnd = softline$1;
const hugStart = shouldHugStart(node, opts);
const hugEnd = shouldHugEnd(node, opts);
let body;
if (isEmpty) {
body =
isInlineElement(path, opts, node) &&
node.children.length &&
isTextNodeStartingWithWhitespace(node.children[0]) &&
? () => line$1
: () => softline$1;
else if (isPreTagContent(path)) {
body = () => printRaw(node);
else if (isInlineElement(path, opts, node) && !isPreTagContent(path)) {
body = () => path.map(print, 'children');
else {
body = () => path.map(print, 'children');
const openingTag = [
? ''
: !isPreTagContent(path) && !opts.bracketSameLine
? dedent(softline$1)
: '',
if (hugStart && hugEnd) {
const huggedContent = [
isSingleLinePerAttribute ? hardline$1 : softline$1,
group$1(['>', body(), `</${node.name}`]),
const omitSoftlineBeforeClosingTag = isEmpty || canOmitSoftlineBeforeClosingTag(path, opts);
return group$1([
isEmpty ? group$1(huggedContent) : group$1(indent$1(huggedContent)),
omitSoftlineBeforeClosingTag ? '' : softline$1,
if (isPreTagContent(path)) {
noHugSeparatorStart = '';
noHugSeparatorEnd = '';
else {
let didSetEndSeparator = false;
if (!hugStart && firstChild && isTextNode(firstChild)) {
if (isTextNodeStartingWithLinebreak(firstChild) &&
firstChild !== lastChild &&
(!isInlineElement(path, opts, node) || isTextNodeEndingWithWhitespace(lastChild))) {
noHugSeparatorStart = hardline$1;
noHugSeparatorEnd = hardline$1;
didSetEndSeparator = true;
else if (isInlineElement(path, opts, node)) {
noHugSeparatorStart = line$1;
if (!hugEnd && lastChild && isTextNode(lastChild)) {
if (isInlineElement(path, opts, node) && !didSetEndSeparator) {
noHugSeparatorEnd = softline$1;
if (hugStart) {
return group$1([
indent$1([softline$1, group$1(['>', body()])]),
if (hugEnd) {
return group$1([
indent$1([noHugSeparatorStart, group$1([body(), `</${node.name}`])]),
canOmitSoftlineBeforeClosingTag(path, opts) ? '' : softline$1,
if (isEmpty) {
return group$1([...openingTag, '>', body(), `</${node.name}>`]);
return group$1([
indent$1([noHugSeparatorStart, body()]),
return '';
case 'attribute': {
const name = node.name.trim();
switch (node.kind) {
case 'empty':
return [line$1, name];
case 'expression':
return '';
case 'quoted':
let value = node.value;
if (node.name === 'class') {
value = printClassNames(value);
const unescapedValue = value.replace(/&apos;/g, "'").replace(/&quot;/g, '"');
const { escaped, quote, regex } = getPreferredQuote(unescapedValue, opts.jsxSingleQuote ? "'" : '"');
const result = unescapedValue.replace(regex, escaped);
return [line$1, name, '=', quote, result, quote];
case 'shorthand':
return [line$1, '{', name, '}'];
case 'spread':
return [line$1, '{...', name, '}'];
case 'template-literal':
return [line$1, name, '=', '`', node.value, '`'];
return '';
case 'doctype': {
return ['<!DOCTYPE html>', hardline$1];
case 'comment':
if (isIgnoreDirective(node)) {
ignoreNext = true;
const nextNode = getNextNode(path);
let trailingLine = '';
if (nextNode && isTagLikeNode(nextNode)) {
trailingLine = hardline$1;
return ['<!--', getUnencodedText(node), '-->', trailingLine];
default: {
throw new Error(`Unhandled node type "${node.type}"!`);
function splitTextToDocs(node) {
const text = getUnencodedText(node);
const textLines = text.split(/[\t\n\f\r ]+/);
let docs = join$1(line$1, textLines).parts.filter((s) => s !== '');
if (startsWithLinebreak(text)) {
docs[0] = hardline$1;
if (startsWithLinebreak(text, 2)) {
docs = [hardline$1, ...docs];
if (endsWithLinebreak(text)) {
docs[docs.length - 1] = hardline$1;
if (endsWithLinebreak(text, 2)) {
docs = [...docs, hardline$1];
return docs;
const { builders: { group, indent, join, line, softline, hardline, lineSuffixBoundary }, utils: { stripTrailingHardline, mapDoc }, } = _doc;
const supportedStyleLangValues = ['css', 'scss', 'sass', 'less'];
function embed(path, print, textToDoc, opts) {
var _a;
const node = path.getValue();
if (!node)
return null;
if (node.type === 'expression') {
const jsxNode = makeNodeJSXCompatible(node);
const textContent = printRaw(jsxNode);
let content;
content = wrapParserTryCatch(textToDoc, textContent, {
parser: expressionParser,
content = stripTrailingHardline(content);
const strings = [];
mapDoc(content, (doc) => {
if (typeof doc === 'string') {
if (strings.every((value) => value.startsWith('//'))) {
return group(['{', content, softline, lineSuffixBoundary, '}']);
const astroDoc = mapDoc(content, (doc) => {
if (typeof doc === 'string') {
doc = doc.replace(openingBracketReplace, '{');
doc = doc.replace(closingBracketReplace, '}');
doc = doc.replace(atSignReplace, '@');
doc = doc.replace(dotReplace, '.');
return doc;
return group(['{', indent([softline, astroDoc]), softline, lineSuffixBoundary, '}']);
if (node.type === 'attribute' && node.kind === 'expression') {
const value = node.value.trim();
const name = node.name.trim();
const attrNodeValue = wrapParserTryCatch(textToDoc, value, {
parser: expressionParser,
if (name === value && opts.astroAllowShorthand) {
return [line, '{', attrNodeValue, '}'];
return [line, name, '=', '{', attrNodeValue, '}'];
if (node.type === 'attribute' && node.kind === 'spread') {
const spreadContent = wrapParserTryCatch(textToDoc, node.name, {
parser: expressionParser,
return [line, '{...', spreadContent, '}'];
if (node.type === 'frontmatter') {
const frontmatterContent = wrapParserTryCatch(textToDoc, node.value, {
parser: 'babel-ts',
return [group(['---', hardline, frontmatterContent, '---', hardline]), hardline];
if (node.type === 'element' && node.name === 'script' && node.children.length) {
const typeAttribute = (_a = node.attributes.find((attr) => attr.name === 'type')) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.value;
let parser = 'babel-ts';
if (typeAttribute) {
parser = inferParserByTypeAttribute(typeAttribute);
const scriptContent = printRaw(node);
let formattedScript = wrapParserTryCatch(textToDoc, scriptContent, {
parser: parser,
formattedScript = stripTrailingHardline(formattedScript);
const isEmpty = /^\s*$/.test(scriptContent);
const attributes = path.map(print, 'attributes');
const openingTag = group(['<script', indent(group(attributes)), softline, '>']);
return [
indent([isEmpty ? '' : hardline, formattedScript]),
isEmpty ? '' : hardline,
if (node.type === 'element' && node.name === 'style') {
const content = printRaw(node);
let parserLang = 'css';
if (node.attributes) {
const langAttribute = node.attributes.filter((x) => x.name === 'lang');
if (langAttribute.length) {
const styleLang = langAttribute[0].value.toLowerCase();
parserLang = supportedStyleLangValues.includes(styleLang) ? styleLang : undefined;
return embedStyle(parserLang, content, path, print, textToDoc, opts);
return null;
function wrapParserTryCatch(cb, text, options) {
try {
return cb(text, options);
catch (e) {
process.env.PRETTIER_DEBUG = 'true';
throw e;
function expressionParser(text, parsers, options) {
const expressionContent = `<>{${text}\n}</>`;
const ast = parsers['babel-ts'](expressionContent, parsers, options);
return {
program: ast.program.body[0].expression.children[0].expression,
function makeNodeJSXCompatible(node) {
const newNode = { ...node };
const childBundle = [];
let childBundleIndex = 0;
if (isNodeWithChildren(newNode)) {
newNode.children = newNode.children.reduce((result, child, index) => {
const previousChildren = newNode.children[index - 1];
const nextChildren = newNode.children[index + 1];
if (isTagLikeNode(child)) {
child.attributes = child.attributes.map(makeAttributeJSXCompatible);
if (!childBundle[childBundleIndex]) {
childBundle[childBundleIndex] = [];
if (isNodeWithChildren(child)) {
child = makeNodeJSXCompatible(child);
if ((!previousChildren || isTextNode(previousChildren)) &&
nextChildren &&
isTagLikeNode(nextChildren)) {
return result;
if ((!nextChildren || isTextNode(nextChildren)) &&
childBundle[childBundleIndex].length > 0) {
const parentNode = {
type: 'fragment',
name: '',
attributes: [],
children: childBundle[childBundleIndex],
childBundleIndex += 1;
return result;
else {
childBundleIndex += 1;
return result;
}, []);
return newNode;
function makeAttributeJSXCompatible(attr) {
if (attr.kind === 'shorthand') {
attr.kind = 'empty';
attr.name = openingBracketReplace + attr.name + closingBracketReplace;
if (attr.name.includes('@')) {
attr.name = attr.name.replace('@', atSignReplace);
if (attr.name.includes('.')) {
attr.name = attr.name.replace('.', dotReplace);
return attr;
function embedStyle(lang, content, path, print, textToDoc, options) {
const isEmpty = /^\s*$/.test(content);
switch (lang) {
case 'less':
case 'css':
case 'scss': {
let formattedStyles = wrapParserTryCatch(textToDoc, content, { ...options, parser: lang });
formattedStyles = stripTrailingHardline(formattedStyles);
const attributes = path.map(print, 'attributes');
const openingTag = group(['<style', indent(group(attributes)), softline, '>']);
return [
indent([isEmpty ? '' : hardline, formattedStyles]),
isEmpty ? '' : hardline,
case 'sass': {
const lineEnding = options.endOfLine.toUpperCase() === 'CRLF' ? 'CRLF' : 'LF';
const sassOptions = {
tabSize: options.tabWidth,
insertSpaces: !options.useTabs,
const { result: raw } = manualDedent(content);
const formattedSassIndented = sassFormatter.SassFormatter.Format(raw, sassOptions).trim();
const formattedSass = join(hardline, formattedSassIndented.split('\n'));
const attributes = path.map(print, 'attributes');
const openingTag = group(['<style', indent(group(attributes)), softline, '>']);
return [
indent([isEmpty ? '' : hardline, formattedSass]),
isEmpty ? '' : hardline,
case undefined: {
const node = path.getNode();
if (node) {
return node_buffer.Buffer.from(options.originalText)
.subarray(options.locStart(node), options.locEnd(node))
return null;
const req = node_module.createRequire((typeof document === 'undefined' ? new (require('u' + 'rl').URL)('file:' + __filename).href : (document.currentScript && document.currentScript.src || new URL('index.js', document.baseURI).href)));
let workerPath;
try {
workerPath = req.resolve('../workers/parse-worker.js');
catch (e) {
workerPath = req.resolve('prettier-plugin-astro/workers/parse-worker.js');
const parse = synckit.createSyncFn(req.resolve(workerPath));
const languages = [
name: 'astro',
parsers: ['astro'],
extensions: ['.astro'],
vscodeLanguageIds: ['astro'],
const parsers = {
astro: {
parse: (source) => parse(source),
astFormat: 'astro',
locStart: (node) => node.position.start.offset,
locEnd: (node) => node.position.end.offset,
const printers = {
astro: {
const defaultOptions = {
tabWidth: 2,
exports.defaultOptions = defaultOptions;
exports.languages = languages;
exports.options = options;
exports.parsers = parsers;
exports.printers = printers;
//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map