286 lines
6.4 KiB
286 lines
6.4 KiB
/** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[Options?] | Array<void>, string, Root>} */
export default function rehypeParse(options: void | Options | undefined): void
export type Root = import('hast').Root
export type FromParse5Options = Pick<
'space' | 'verbose'
export type ErrorCode = keyof {
abandonedHeadElementChild: {
reason: string
description: string
url: boolean
abruptClosingOfEmptyComment: {
reason: string
description: string
abruptDoctypePublicIdentifier: {
reason: string
description: string
abruptDoctypeSystemIdentifier: {
reason: string
description: string
absenceOfDigitsInNumericCharacterReference: {
reason: string
description: string
cdataInHtmlContent: {
reason: string
description: string
characterReferenceOutsideUnicodeRange: {
reason: string
description: string
closingOfElementWithOpenChildElements: {
reason: string
description: string
url: boolean
/** @type {Options} */
controlCharacterInInputStream: {
reason: string
description: string
controlCharacterReference: {
reason: string
description: string
disallowedContentInNoscriptInHead: {
reason: string
description: string
url: boolean
duplicateAttribute: {
reason: string
description: string
endTagWithAttributes: {
reason: string
description: string
endTagWithTrailingSolidus: {
reason: string
description: string
endTagWithoutMatchingOpenElement: {
reason: string
description: string
url: boolean
eofBeforeTagName: {
reason: string
description: string
eofInCdata: {
reason: string
description: string
eofInComment: {
reason: string
description: string
eofInDoctype: {
reason: string
description: string
eofInElementThatCanContainOnlyText: {
reason: string
description: string
url: boolean
eofInScriptHtmlCommentLikeText: {
reason: string
description: string
eofInTag: {
reason: string
description: string
incorrectlyClosedComment: {
reason: string
description: string
incorrectlyOpenedComment: {
reason: string
description: string
invalidCharacterSequenceAfterDoctypeName: {
reason: string
description: string
invalidFirstCharacterOfTagName: {
reason: string
description: string
misplacedDoctype: {
reason: string
description: string
url: boolean
misplacedStartTagForHeadElement: {
reason: string
description: string
url: boolean
missingAttributeValue: {
reason: string
description: string
missingDoctype: {
reason: string
description: string
url: boolean
missingDoctypeName: {
reason: string
description: string
missingDoctypePublicIdentifier: {
reason: string
description: string
missingDoctypeSystemIdentifier: {
reason: string
description: string
missingEndTagName: {
reason: string
description: string
missingQuoteBeforeDoctypePublicIdentifier: {
reason: string
description: string
missingQuoteBeforeDoctypeSystemIdentifier: {
reason: string
description: string
missingSemicolonAfterCharacterReference: {
reason: string
description: string
missingWhitespaceAfterDoctypePublicKeyword: {
reason: string
description: string
missingWhitespaceAfterDoctypeSystemKeyword: {
reason: string
description: string
missingWhitespaceBeforeDoctypeName: {
reason: string
description: string
missingWhitespaceBetweenAttributes: {
reason: string
description: string
missingWhitespaceBetweenDoctypePublicAndSystemIdentifiers: {
reason: string
description: string
nestedComment: {
reason: string
description: string
nestedNoscriptInHead: {
reason: string
description: string
url: boolean
nonConformingDoctype: {
reason: string
description: string
url: boolean
nonVoidHtmlElementStartTagWithTrailingSolidus: {
reason: string
description: string
noncharacterCharacterReference: {
reason: string
description: string
noncharacterInInputStream: {
reason: string
description: string
nullCharacterReference: {
reason: string
description: string
openElementsLeftAfterEof: {
reason: string
description: string
url: boolean
surrogateCharacterReference: {
reason: string
description: string
surrogateInInputStream: {
reason: string
description: string
unexpectedCharacterAfterDoctypeSystemIdentifier: {
reason: string
description: string
unexpectedCharacterInAttributeName: {
reason: string
description: string
unexpectedCharacterInUnquotedAttributeValue: {
reason: string
description: string
unexpectedEqualsSignBeforeAttributeName: {
reason: string
description: string
unexpectedNullCharacter: {
reason: string
description: string
unexpectedQuestionMarkInsteadOfTagName: {
reason: string
description: string
unexpectedSolidusInTag: {
reason: string
description: string
unknownNamedCharacterReference: {
reason: string
description: string
export type ErrorSeverity = 0 | 1 | 2 | boolean | null | undefined
export type ErrorFields = Partial<Record<ErrorCode, ErrorSeverity>>
export type ParseFields = {
* Specify whether to parse a fragment, instead of a complete document.
* In document mode, unopened `html`, `head`, and `body` elements are opened
* in just the right places.
fragment?: boolean | undefined
* > ⚠️ Parse errors are currently being added to HTML.
* > Not all errors emitted by parse5 (or rehype-parse) are specced yet.
* > Some documentation may still be missing.
* Emit parse errors while parsing on the vfile.
* Setting this to `true` starts emitting HTML parse errors.
* Specific rules can be turned off by setting them to `false` (or `0`).
* The default, when `emitParseErrors: true`, is `true` (or `1`), and means
* that rules emit as warnings.
* Rules can also be configured with `2`, to turn them into fatal errors.
emitParseErrors?: boolean | undefined
export type Options = FromParse5Options & ParseFields & ErrorFields