2023-07-19 21:31:30 +02:00

869 lines
25 KiB

import { promises, readFileSync, statSync } from 'fs';
import { join, resolve, dirname, win32, parse } from 'path';
import JSON5 from 'json5';
import resolvePackageNpm from 'resolve';
import StripBom from 'strip-bom';
function _extends() {
_extends = Object.assign || function (target) {
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var source = arguments[i];
for (var key in source) {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) {
target[key] = source[key];
return target;
return _extends.apply(this, arguments);
// A type of promise-like that resolves synchronously and supports only one observer
const _iteratorSymbol = /*#__PURE__*/ typeof Symbol !== "undefined" ? (Symbol.iterator || (Symbol.iterator = Symbol("Symbol.iterator"))) : "@@iterator";
const _asyncIteratorSymbol = /*#__PURE__*/ typeof Symbol !== "undefined" ? (Symbol.asyncIterator || (Symbol.asyncIterator = Symbol("Symbol.asyncIterator"))) : "@@asyncIterator";
// Asynchronously call a function and send errors to recovery continuation
function _catch(body, recover) {
try {
var result = body();
} catch(e) {
return recover(e);
if (result && result.then) {
return result.then(void 0, recover);
return result;
var _cacheObject;
* Resolve the `tsconfig` file. Walks up the file tree until it
* finds a file that matches the searchName.
* @param options - `TsConfigResolverOptions`.
* @remarks
* If a non-default caching strategy is provided the returned result might be
* from the cache instead.
var tsconfigResolver = function tsconfigResolver(_temp17) {
var _ref6 = _temp17 === void 0 ? {} : _temp17,
filePath = _ref6.filePath,
_ref6$cwd = _ref6.cwd,
cwd = _ref6$cwd === void 0 ? process.cwd() : _ref6$cwd,
_ref6$cache = _ref6.cache,
shouldCache = _ref6$cache === void 0 ? filePath ? CacheStrategy.Always : CacheStrategy.Never : _ref6$cache,
_ref6$searchName = _ref6.searchName,
searchName = _ref6$searchName === void 0 ? DEFAULT_SEARCH_NAME : _ref6$searchName,
_ref6$ignoreExtends = _ref6.ignoreExtends,
ignoreExtends = _ref6$ignoreExtends === void 0 ? false : _ref6$ignoreExtends;
try {
var cacheStrategy = convertCacheToStrategy(shouldCache);
var cache = getCache({
cwd: cwd,
cache: cacheStrategy,
searchName: searchName,
filePath: filePath,
ignoreExtends: ignoreExtends
if (cache) {
return Promise.resolve(cache);
return Promise.resolve(getTsConfigResult({
cwd: cwd,
searchName: searchName,
filePath: filePath,
ignoreExtends: ignoreExtends
})).then(function (result) {
cwd: cwd,
cache: cacheStrategy,
searchName: searchName,
filePath: filePath,
ignoreExtends: ignoreExtends
}, result);
return result;
} catch (e) {
return Promise.reject(e);
var readFile = promises.readFile,
stat = promises.stat;
/** The default search name used. */
var DEFAULT_SEARCH_NAME = 'tsconfig.json';
* Extends the default node file parser and determines whether the path provided
* should be resolved from the node modules or directly from the provided path.
var parseFilePath = function parseFilePath(file, _temp) {
var _ref = _temp === void 0 ? {} : _temp,
windows = _ref.windows;
var isWindows = windows !== null && windows !== void 0 ? windows : process.platform === 'win32';
var parser = isWindows ? win32.parse : parse;
var parsedPath = parser(file);
return _extends({}, parsedPath, {
isAbsolute: Boolean(parsedPath.root),
isPackage: !file.startsWith('.') && !parsedPath.root
* The reason that the tsconfig exist flag is false.
var TsConfigErrorReason = {
* The `tsconfig` file could not be found.
NotFound: 'not-found',
* The file was found but the configuration was invalid.
InvalidConfig: 'invalid-config'
* Synchronously walk up the path until a `tsconfig` is located.
var walkForTsConfigSync = function walkForTsConfigSync(directory) {
var configPath = join(directory, './tsconfig.json');
if (isFileOrDirectorySync(configPath)) {
return configPath;
var parentDirectory = join(directory, '../'); // If we reached the top
if (directory === parentDirectory) {
return undefined;
return walkForTsConfigSync(parentDirectory);
* Walk up the path until a `tsconfig` is located.
var walkForTsConfig = function walkForTsConfig(directory) {
try {
var _exit2 = false;
var configPath = join(directory, './tsconfig.json');
return Promise.resolve(isFileOrDirectory(configPath)).then(function (_isFileOrDirectory) {
if (_isFileOrDirectory) {
_exit2 = true;
return configPath;
// Step up one level in the directory path.
var parentDirectory = join(directory, '../'); // If we reached the top
return directory === parentDirectory ? undefined : walkForTsConfig(parentDirectory);
} catch (e) {
return Promise.reject(e);
* Synchronously check that the passed string is a directory.
var isDirectorySync = function isDirectorySync(directory) {
try {
return statSync(directory).isDirectory();
} catch (_unused) {
return false;
* Check that the passed string is a directory.
var isDirectory = function isDirectory(directory) {
return Promise.resolve(_catch(function () {
return Promise.resolve(stat(directory)).then(function (stats) {
return stats.isDirectory();
}, function () {
return false;
* Synchronously check that the passed filePath is a valid file.
var isFileSync = function isFileSync(filePath) {
try {
return statSync(filePath).isFile();
} catch (_unused2) {
return false;
* Check that the passed filePath is a valid file.
var isFile = function isFile(filePath) {
return Promise.resolve(_catch(function () {
return Promise.resolve(stat(filePath)).then(function (stats) {
return stats.isFile();
}, function () {
return false;
* Synchronously check that the provided `filePath` is a file or directory.
var isFileOrDirectorySync = function isFileOrDirectorySync(filePath) {
return isFileSync(filePath) || isDirectorySync(filePath);
* Check that the provided `filePath` is a file or directory.
var isFileOrDirectory = function isFileOrDirectory(filePath) {
try {
var _exit5 = false;
return Promise.resolve(isFile(filePath)).then(function (_isFile) {
var _exit4 = false;
if (_isFile) {
_exit5 = true;
return true;
return Promise.resolve(isDirectory(filePath)).then(function (_isDirectory) {
if (_isDirectory) {
_exit4 = true;
return true;
return false;
} catch (e) {
return Promise.reject(e);
* Synchronously resolves an npm package by the given name.
var resolvePackageSync = function resolvePackageSync(name, basedir) {
try {
return resolvePackageNpm.sync(name, {
basedir: basedir,
extensions: ['.json', '.js']
} catch (_unused3) {
* Resolves an npm package by the given name.
var resolvePackage = function resolvePackage(name, basedir) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
resolvePackageNpm(name, {
basedir: basedir,
extensions: ['.json', '.js']
}, function (error, resolved) {
if (error) {
} else {
* Synchronously checks a filePath exists and if it can be resolved.
var resolveFilePathSync = function resolveFilePathSync(searchName, filePath) {
var cwd = process.cwd();
if (!filePath) {
var resolvedPath;
if (filePath.startsWith('npm:')) {
resolvedPath = resolvePackageSync(filePath.replace('npm:', ''), cwd);
} else {
resolvedPath = resolve(cwd, filePath);
if (!resolvedPath || !isDirectorySync(resolvedPath)) {
return resolvedPath;
return resolve(resolvedPath, searchName);
* When a filePath exists check if it can be resolved.
var resolveFilePath = function resolveFilePath(searchName, filePath) {
try {
var _temp6 = function _temp6() {
var _exit6 = false;
function _temp3(_isDirectory2) {
if (_temp2 || !_isDirectory2) {
_exit6 = true;
return resolvedPath;
return resolve(resolvedPath, searchName);
var _temp2 = !resolvedPath;
return _temp2 ? _temp3(_temp2) : Promise.resolve(isDirectory(resolvedPath)).then(_temp3);
var cwd = process.cwd();
if (!filePath) {
return Promise.resolve();
var resolvedPath;
var _temp7 = function () {
if (filePath.startsWith('npm:')) {
return Promise.resolve(resolvePackage(filePath.replace('npm:', ''), cwd)).then(function (_resolvePackage) {
resolvedPath = _resolvePackage;
} else {
resolvedPath = resolve(cwd, filePath);
return Promise.resolve(_temp7 && _temp7.then ? _temp7.then(_temp6) : _temp6(_temp7));
} catch (e) {
return Promise.reject(e);
* Get the desired path to the configuration.
var resolveConfigPathSync = function resolveConfigPathSync(cwd, searchName, filePath) {
var resolvedFilePath = resolveFilePathSync(searchName, filePath);
if (resolvedFilePath) {
return resolvedFilePath;
if (searchName !== DEFAULT_SEARCH_NAME) {
var resolvedSearchName = resolve(cwd, searchName);
var absolutePath = isDirectorySync(resolvedSearchName) ? resolve(resolvedSearchName, 'tsconfig.json') : resolvedSearchName;
return isFileSync(absolutePath) ? absolutePath : undefined;
if (isFileSync(cwd)) {
return resolve(cwd);
var configAbsolutePath = walkForTsConfigSync(cwd);
return configAbsolutePath ? resolve(configAbsolutePath) : undefined;
* Get the desired path to the configuration.
var resolveConfigPath = function resolveConfigPath(cwd, searchName, filePath) {
try {
return Promise.resolve(resolveFilePath(searchName, filePath)).then(function (resolvedFilePath) {
var _exit7 = false;
function _temp9(_result) {
var _exit8 = false;
if (_exit7) return _result;
return Promise.resolve(isFile(cwd)).then(function (_isFile3) {
if (_isFile3) {
_exit8 = true;
return resolve(cwd);
return Promise.resolve(walkForTsConfig(cwd)).then(function (configAbsolutePath) {
return configAbsolutePath ? resolve(configAbsolutePath) : undefined;
if (resolvedFilePath) {
return resolvedFilePath;
var _temp8 = function () {
if (searchName !== DEFAULT_SEARCH_NAME) {
var resolvedSearchName = resolve(cwd, searchName);
return Promise.resolve(isDirectory(resolvedSearchName)).then(function (_isDirectory3) {
var absolutePath = _isDirectory3 ? resolve(resolvedSearchName, 'tsconfig.json') : resolvedSearchName;
_exit7 = true;
return Promise.resolve(isFile(absolutePath)).then(function (_isFile2) {
return _isFile2 ? absolutePath : undefined;
return _temp8 && _temp8.then ? _temp8.then(_temp9) : _temp9(_temp8);
} catch (e) {
return Promise.reject(e);
* Loads the `jsonString` and returns it as a TsConfigJson object.
var parseTsConfigJson = function parseTsConfigJson(jsonString) {
try {
var json = JSON5.parse(jsonString);
return json && typeof json === 'object' ? json : undefined;
} catch (_unused4) {
return undefined;
* Synchronously loads a tsconfig file while also resolving the `extends` path.
var loadTsConfigSync = function loadTsConfigSync(configFilePath, extendedPaths, ignoreExtends) {
var _base, _base$compilerOptions;
if (ignoreExtends === void 0) {
ignoreExtends = false;
if (!isFileOrDirectorySync(configFilePath)) return undefined;
var configString = readFileSync(configFilePath, 'utf8');
var jsonString = StripBom(configString);
var config = parseTsConfigJson(jsonString);
var extendedConfig = config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config["extends"];
if (!config || !extendedConfig || ignoreExtends) return config;
var base;
if (parseFilePath(extendedConfig).isPackage) {
var _loadTsConfigSync;
var newConfigPath = resolvePackageSync(extendedConfig);
if (!newConfigPath) {
return config;
} else if (isDirectorySync(newConfigPath)) {
extendedConfig = join(newConfigPath, DEFAULT_SEARCH_NAME);
} else if (isFileSync(newConfigPath)) {
extendedConfig = newConfigPath;
} else if (isFileSync(newConfigPath + ".json")) {
extendedConfig = newConfigPath + ".json";
if (extendedPaths.includes(extendedConfig)) {
return config;
base = (_loadTsConfigSync = loadTsConfigSync(extendedConfig, extendedPaths)) !== null && _loadTsConfigSync !== void 0 ? _loadTsConfigSync : {};
} else {
var _loadTsConfigSync2;
if (!extendedConfig.endsWith('.json')) {
extendedConfig += '.json';
var currentDir = dirname(configFilePath);
var extendedConfigPath = join(currentDir, extendedConfig);
if (extendedPaths.includes(extendedConfigPath)) {
return config;
base = (_loadTsConfigSync2 = loadTsConfigSync(extendedConfigPath, extendedPaths)) !== null && _loadTsConfigSync2 !== void 0 ? _loadTsConfigSync2 : {};
} // baseUrl should be interpreted as relative to the base tsconfig, but we need
// to update it so it is relative to the original tsconfig being loaded
if ((_base = base) === null || _base === void 0 ? void 0 : (_base$compilerOptions = _base.compilerOptions) === null || _base$compilerOptions === void 0 ? void 0 : _base$compilerOptions.baseUrl) {
var extendsDir = dirname(extendedConfig);
base.compilerOptions.baseUrl = join(extendsDir, base.compilerOptions.baseUrl);
return _extends({}, base, {}, config, {
compilerOptions: _extends({}, base.compilerOptions, {}, config.compilerOptions)
* Loads a tsconfig file while also resolving the `extends` path.
var loadTsConfig = function loadTsConfig(configFilePath, extendedPaths, ignoreExtends) {
if (ignoreExtends === void 0) {
ignoreExtends = false;
try {
var _exit12 = false;
return Promise.resolve(isFileOrDirectory(configFilePath)).then(function (_isFileOrDirectory2) {
if (!_isFileOrDirectory2) {
_exit12 = true;
return undefined;
return Promise.resolve(readFile(configFilePath, 'utf8')).then(function (configString) {
var _exit10 = false;
function _temp15(_result2) {
var _base2, _base2$compilerOption;
if (_exit10) return _result2;
// baseUrl should be interpreted as relative to the base tsconfig, but we need
// to update it so it is relative to the original tsconfig being loaded
if ((_base2 = base) === null || _base2 === void 0 ? void 0 : (_base2$compilerOption = _base2.compilerOptions) === null || _base2$compilerOption === void 0 ? void 0 : _base2$compilerOption.baseUrl) {
var extendsDir = dirname(extendedConfig);
base.compilerOptions.baseUrl = join(extendsDir, base.compilerOptions.baseUrl);
return _extends({}, base, {}, config, {
compilerOptions: _extends({}, base.compilerOptions, {}, config.compilerOptions)
var jsonString = StripBom(configString);
var config = parseTsConfigJson(jsonString);
var extendedConfig = config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config["extends"];
if (!config || !extendedConfig || ignoreExtends) return config;
var base;
var _temp14 = function () {
if (parseFilePath(extendedConfig).isPackage) {
return Promise.resolve(resolvePackage(extendedConfig)).then(function (newConfigPath) {
var _exit11 = false;
function _temp13(_result3) {
if (_exit11) return _result3;
if (extendedPaths.includes(extendedConfig)) {
_exit10 = true;
return config;
return Promise.resolve(loadTsConfig(extendedConfig, extendedPaths)).then(function (_loadTsConfig) {
base = _loadTsConfig !== null && _loadTsConfig !== void 0 ? _loadTsConfig : {};
var _temp12 = function () {
if (!newConfigPath) {
_exit10 = true;
return config;
} else return Promise.resolve(isDirectory(newConfigPath)).then(function (_isDirectory4) {
var _temp11 = function () {
if (_isDirectory4) {
extendedConfig = join(newConfigPath, DEFAULT_SEARCH_NAME);
} else return Promise.resolve(isFile(newConfigPath)).then(function (_isFile4) {
var _temp10 = function () {
if (_isFile4) {
extendedConfig = newConfigPath;
} else return Promise.resolve(isFile(newConfigPath + ".json")).then(function (_isFile5) {
if (_isFile5) {
extendedConfig = newConfigPath + ".json";
if (_temp10 && _temp10.then) return _temp10.then(function () {});
if (_temp11 && _temp11.then) return _temp11.then(function () {});
return _temp12 && _temp12.then ? _temp12.then(_temp13) : _temp13(_temp12);
} else {
if (!extendedConfig.endsWith('.json')) {
extendedConfig += '.json';
var currentDir = dirname(configFilePath);
var extendedConfigPath = join(currentDir, extendedConfig);
if (extendedPaths.includes(extendedConfigPath)) {
_exit10 = true;
return config;
return Promise.resolve(loadTsConfig(extendedConfigPath, extendedPaths)).then(function (_loadTsConfig2) {
base = _loadTsConfig2 !== null && _loadTsConfig2 !== void 0 ? _loadTsConfig2 : {};
return _temp14 && _temp14.then ? _temp14.then(_temp15) : _temp15(_temp14);
} catch (e) {
return Promise.reject(e);
var CacheStrategy = {
* Caching never happens and the returned value is always recalculated.
Never: 'never',
* The first time the `tsconfigResolver` method is run it will save a cached
* value (by `searchName`) which will be returned every time after that. This
* value will always be the same.
Always: 'always',
* The cache will be used when the same directory (and searchName) is being
* searched.
Directory: 'directory'
var cacheObject = (_cacheObject = {}, _cacheObject[CacheStrategy.Always] = /*#__PURE__*/new Map(), _cacheObject[CacheStrategy.Directory] = /*#__PURE__*/new Map(), _cacheObject);
* Converts a boolean or string type into a cache strategy.
var convertCacheToStrategy = function convertCacheToStrategy(value) {
return value === false ? CacheStrategy.Never : value === true ? CacheStrategy.Always : value;
* Get the key to store in the cache.
var cacheKey = function cacheKey(_ref2) {
var cache = _ref2.cache,
cwd = _ref2.cwd,
searchName = _ref2.searchName,
ignoreExtends = _ref2.ignoreExtends;
return cache === CacheStrategy.Always ? searchName + " - " + ignoreExtends : join(cwd, searchName) + " - " + ignoreExtends;
* Based on the options passed in, retrieve the value from the cache or return
* undefined if the value still needs to be calculated.
var getCache = function getCache(options) {
if (options.cache === CacheStrategy.Always) {
return cacheObject[CacheStrategy.Always].get(cacheKey(options));
if (options.cache === CacheStrategy.Directory) {
return cacheObject[CacheStrategy.Always].get(cacheKey(options));
return undefined;
* Updates the cache with the provided result.
var updateCache = function updateCache(options, result) {
if (options.cache === CacheStrategy.Always) {
cacheObject[CacheStrategy.Always].set(cacheKey(options), result);
} else if (options.cache === CacheStrategy.Directory) {
cacheObject[CacheStrategy.Always].set(cacheKey(options), result);
* Clears the cache.
var clearCache = function clearCache() {
for (var _i = 0, _Object$values = Object.values(cacheObject); _i < _Object$values.length; _i++) {
var map = _Object$values[_i];
* Synchronously get the nearest tsconfig by walking up the directory.
var getTsConfigResultSync = function getTsConfigResultSync(_ref3) {
var cwd = _ref3.cwd,
searchName = _ref3.searchName,
filePath = _ref3.filePath,
ignoreExtends = _ref3.ignoreExtends;
var configPath = resolveConfigPathSync(cwd, searchName, filePath);
if (!configPath) {
return {
exists: false,
reason: TsConfigErrorReason.NotFound
} // This path will be mutated to include all paths that have been found.
var extendedPaths = [];
var config = loadTsConfigSync(configPath, extendedPaths, ignoreExtends);
if (!config) {
return {
exists: false,
reason: TsConfigErrorReason.InvalidConfig,
path: configPath
return {
exists: true,
path: configPath,
extendedPaths: extendedPaths,
config: config,
isCircular: extendedPaths.includes(configPath)
* Get the nearest tsconfig by walking up the directory.
var getTsConfigResult = function getTsConfigResult(_ref4) {
var cwd = _ref4.cwd,
searchName = _ref4.searchName,
filePath = _ref4.filePath,
ignoreExtends = _ref4.ignoreExtends;
try {
return Promise.resolve(resolveConfigPath(cwd, searchName, filePath)).then(function (configPath) {
if (!configPath) {
return {
exists: false,
reason: TsConfigErrorReason.NotFound
} // This path will be mutated to include all paths that have been found.
var extendedPaths = [];
return Promise.resolve(loadTsConfig(configPath, extendedPaths, ignoreExtends)).then(function (config) {
return config ? {
exists: true,
path: configPath,
extendedPaths: extendedPaths,
config: config,
isCircular: extendedPaths.includes(configPath)
} : {
exists: false,
reason: TsConfigErrorReason.InvalidConfig,
path: configPath
} catch (e) {
return Promise.reject(e);
* Resolve the `tsconfig` file synchronously. Walks up the file tree until it
* finds a file that matches the searchName.
* @param options - `TsConfigResolverOptions`.
* @returns an object containing whether a configuration was found and is valid.
* @remarks
* If a non-default caching strategy is provided the returned result might be
* from the cache instead.
function tsconfigResolverSync(_temp16) {
var _ref5 = _temp16 === void 0 ? {} : _temp16,
filePath = _ref5.filePath,
_ref5$cwd = _ref5.cwd,
cwd = _ref5$cwd === void 0 ? process.cwd() : _ref5$cwd,
_ref5$cache = _ref5.cache,
shouldCache = _ref5$cache === void 0 ? filePath ? CacheStrategy.Always : CacheStrategy.Never : _ref5$cache,
_ref5$searchName = _ref5.searchName,
searchName = _ref5$searchName === void 0 ? DEFAULT_SEARCH_NAME : _ref5$searchName,
_ref5$ignoreExtends = _ref5.ignoreExtends,
ignoreExtends = _ref5$ignoreExtends === void 0 ? false : _ref5$ignoreExtends;
var cacheStrategy = convertCacheToStrategy(shouldCache);
var cache = getCache({
cwd: cwd,
cache: cacheStrategy,
searchName: searchName,
filePath: filePath,
ignoreExtends: ignoreExtends
if (cache) {
return cache;
var result = getTsConfigResultSync({
cwd: cwd,
searchName: searchName,
filePath: filePath,
ignoreExtends: ignoreExtends
cwd: cwd,
cache: cacheStrategy,
searchName: searchName,
filePath: filePath,
ignoreExtends: ignoreExtends
}, result);
return result;
export { CacheStrategy, DEFAULT_SEARCH_NAME, TsConfigErrorReason, clearCache, tsconfigResolver, tsconfigResolverSync };
//# sourceMappingURL=tsconfig-resolver.esm.js.map