2023-07-19 21:31:30 +02:00

592 lines
21 KiB

* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
export var TokenType;
(function (TokenType) {
TokenType[TokenType["Ident"] = 0] = "Ident";
TokenType[TokenType["AtKeyword"] = 1] = "AtKeyword";
TokenType[TokenType["String"] = 2] = "String";
TokenType[TokenType["BadString"] = 3] = "BadString";
TokenType[TokenType["UnquotedString"] = 4] = "UnquotedString";
TokenType[TokenType["Hash"] = 5] = "Hash";
TokenType[TokenType["Num"] = 6] = "Num";
TokenType[TokenType["Percentage"] = 7] = "Percentage";
TokenType[TokenType["Dimension"] = 8] = "Dimension";
TokenType[TokenType["UnicodeRange"] = 9] = "UnicodeRange";
TokenType[TokenType["CDO"] = 10] = "CDO";
TokenType[TokenType["CDC"] = 11] = "CDC";
TokenType[TokenType["Colon"] = 12] = "Colon";
TokenType[TokenType["SemiColon"] = 13] = "SemiColon";
TokenType[TokenType["CurlyL"] = 14] = "CurlyL";
TokenType[TokenType["CurlyR"] = 15] = "CurlyR";
TokenType[TokenType["ParenthesisL"] = 16] = "ParenthesisL";
TokenType[TokenType["ParenthesisR"] = 17] = "ParenthesisR";
TokenType[TokenType["BracketL"] = 18] = "BracketL";
TokenType[TokenType["BracketR"] = 19] = "BracketR";
TokenType[TokenType["Whitespace"] = 20] = "Whitespace";
TokenType[TokenType["Includes"] = 21] = "Includes";
TokenType[TokenType["Dashmatch"] = 22] = "Dashmatch";
TokenType[TokenType["SubstringOperator"] = 23] = "SubstringOperator";
TokenType[TokenType["PrefixOperator"] = 24] = "PrefixOperator";
TokenType[TokenType["SuffixOperator"] = 25] = "SuffixOperator";
TokenType[TokenType["Delim"] = 26] = "Delim";
TokenType[TokenType["EMS"] = 27] = "EMS";
TokenType[TokenType["EXS"] = 28] = "EXS";
TokenType[TokenType["Length"] = 29] = "Length";
TokenType[TokenType["Angle"] = 30] = "Angle";
TokenType[TokenType["Time"] = 31] = "Time";
TokenType[TokenType["Freq"] = 32] = "Freq";
TokenType[TokenType["Exclamation"] = 33] = "Exclamation";
TokenType[TokenType["Resolution"] = 34] = "Resolution";
TokenType[TokenType["Comma"] = 35] = "Comma";
TokenType[TokenType["Charset"] = 36] = "Charset";
TokenType[TokenType["EscapedJavaScript"] = 37] = "EscapedJavaScript";
TokenType[TokenType["BadEscapedJavaScript"] = 38] = "BadEscapedJavaScript";
TokenType[TokenType["Comment"] = 39] = "Comment";
TokenType[TokenType["SingleLineComment"] = 40] = "SingleLineComment";
TokenType[TokenType["EOF"] = 41] = "EOF";
TokenType[TokenType["CustomToken"] = 42] = "CustomToken";
})(TokenType || (TokenType = {}));
export class MultiLineStream {
constructor(source) {
this.source = source;
this.len = source.length;
this.position = 0;
substring(from, to = this.position) {
return this.source.substring(from, to);
eos() {
return this.len <= this.position;
pos() {
return this.position;
goBackTo(pos) {
this.position = pos;
goBack(n) {
this.position -= n;
advance(n) {
this.position += n;
nextChar() {
return this.source.charCodeAt(this.position++) || 0;
peekChar(n = 0) {
return this.source.charCodeAt(this.position + n) || 0;
lookbackChar(n = 0) {
return this.source.charCodeAt(this.position - n) || 0;
advanceIfChar(ch) {
if (ch === this.source.charCodeAt(this.position)) {
return true;
return false;
advanceIfChars(ch) {
if (this.position + ch.length > this.source.length) {
return false;
let i = 0;
for (; i < ch.length; i++) {
if (this.source.charCodeAt(this.position + i) !== ch[i]) {
return false;
return true;
advanceWhileChar(condition) {
const posNow = this.position;
while (this.position < this.len && condition(this.source.charCodeAt(this.position))) {
return this.position - posNow;
const _a = 'a'.charCodeAt(0);
const _f = 'f'.charCodeAt(0);
const _z = 'z'.charCodeAt(0);
const _u = 'u'.charCodeAt(0);
const _A = 'A'.charCodeAt(0);
const _F = 'F'.charCodeAt(0);
const _Z = 'Z'.charCodeAt(0);
const _0 = '0'.charCodeAt(0);
const _9 = '9'.charCodeAt(0);
const _TLD = '~'.charCodeAt(0);
const _HAT = '^'.charCodeAt(0);
const _EQS = '='.charCodeAt(0);
const _PIP = '|'.charCodeAt(0);
const _MIN = '-'.charCodeAt(0);
const _USC = '_'.charCodeAt(0);
const _PRC = '%'.charCodeAt(0);
const _MUL = '*'.charCodeAt(0);
const _LPA = '('.charCodeAt(0);
const _RPA = ')'.charCodeAt(0);
const _LAN = '<'.charCodeAt(0);
const _RAN = '>'.charCodeAt(0);
const _ATS = '@'.charCodeAt(0);
const _HSH = '#'.charCodeAt(0);
const _DLR = '$'.charCodeAt(0);
const _BSL = '\\'.charCodeAt(0);
const _FSL = '/'.charCodeAt(0);
const _NWL = '\n'.charCodeAt(0);
const _CAR = '\r'.charCodeAt(0);
const _LFD = '\f'.charCodeAt(0);
const _DQO = '"'.charCodeAt(0);
const _SQO = '\''.charCodeAt(0);
const _WSP = ' '.charCodeAt(0);
const _TAB = '\t'.charCodeAt(0);
const _SEM = ';'.charCodeAt(0);
const _COL = ':'.charCodeAt(0);
const _CUL = '{'.charCodeAt(0);
const _CUR = '}'.charCodeAt(0);
const _BRL = '['.charCodeAt(0);
const _BRR = ']'.charCodeAt(0);
const _CMA = ','.charCodeAt(0);
const _DOT = '.'.charCodeAt(0);
const _BNG = '!'.charCodeAt(0);
const _QSM = '?'.charCodeAt(0);
const _PLS = '+'.charCodeAt(0);
const staticTokenTable = {};
staticTokenTable[_SEM] = TokenType.SemiColon;
staticTokenTable[_COL] = TokenType.Colon;
staticTokenTable[_CUL] = TokenType.CurlyL;
staticTokenTable[_CUR] = TokenType.CurlyR;
staticTokenTable[_BRR] = TokenType.BracketR;
staticTokenTable[_BRL] = TokenType.BracketL;
staticTokenTable[_LPA] = TokenType.ParenthesisL;
staticTokenTable[_RPA] = TokenType.ParenthesisR;
staticTokenTable[_CMA] = TokenType.Comma;
const staticUnitTable = {};
staticUnitTable['em'] = TokenType.EMS;
staticUnitTable['ex'] = TokenType.EXS;
staticUnitTable['px'] = TokenType.Length;
staticUnitTable['cm'] = TokenType.Length;
staticUnitTable['mm'] = TokenType.Length;
staticUnitTable['in'] = TokenType.Length;
staticUnitTable['pt'] = TokenType.Length;
staticUnitTable['pc'] = TokenType.Length;
staticUnitTable['deg'] = TokenType.Angle;
staticUnitTable['rad'] = TokenType.Angle;
staticUnitTable['grad'] = TokenType.Angle;
staticUnitTable['ms'] = TokenType.Time;
staticUnitTable['s'] = TokenType.Time;
staticUnitTable['hz'] = TokenType.Freq;
staticUnitTable['khz'] = TokenType.Freq;
staticUnitTable['%'] = TokenType.Percentage;
staticUnitTable['fr'] = TokenType.Percentage;
staticUnitTable['dpi'] = TokenType.Resolution;
staticUnitTable['dpcm'] = TokenType.Resolution;
export class Scanner {
constructor() {
this.stream = new MultiLineStream('');
this.ignoreComment = true;
this.ignoreWhitespace = true;
this.inURL = false;
setSource(input) {
this.stream = new MultiLineStream(input);
finishToken(offset, type, text) {
return {
offset: offset,
len: this.stream.pos() - offset,
type: type,
text: text || this.stream.substring(offset)
substring(offset, len) {
return this.stream.substring(offset, offset + len);
pos() {
return this.stream.pos();
goBackTo(pos) {
scanUnquotedString() {
const offset = this.stream.pos();
const content = [];
if (this._unquotedString(content)) {
return this.finishToken(offset, TokenType.UnquotedString, content.join(''));
return null;
scan() {
// processes all whitespaces and comments
const triviaToken = this.trivia();
if (triviaToken !== null) {
return triviaToken;
const offset = this.stream.pos();
// End of file/input
if (this.stream.eos()) {
return this.finishToken(offset, TokenType.EOF);
return this.scanNext(offset);
* Read the range as described in https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#tokenization
* Assume the `u` has aleady been consumed
* @returns if reading the unicode was successful
tryScanUnicode() {
const offset = this.stream.pos();
if (!this.stream.eos() && this._unicodeRange()) {
return this.finishToken(offset, TokenType.UnicodeRange);
return undefined;
scanNext(offset) {
// CDO <!--
if (this.stream.advanceIfChars([_LAN, _BNG, _MIN, _MIN])) {
return this.finishToken(offset, TokenType.CDO);
// CDC -->
if (this.stream.advanceIfChars([_MIN, _MIN, _RAN])) {
return this.finishToken(offset, TokenType.CDC);
let content = [];
if (this.ident(content)) {
return this.finishToken(offset, TokenType.Ident, content.join(''));
// at-keyword
if (this.stream.advanceIfChar(_ATS)) {
content = ['@'];
if (this._name(content)) {
const keywordText = content.join('');
if (keywordText === '@charset') {
return this.finishToken(offset, TokenType.Charset, keywordText);
return this.finishToken(offset, TokenType.AtKeyword, keywordText);
else {
return this.finishToken(offset, TokenType.Delim);
// hash
if (this.stream.advanceIfChar(_HSH)) {
content = ['#'];
if (this._name(content)) {
return this.finishToken(offset, TokenType.Hash, content.join(''));
else {
return this.finishToken(offset, TokenType.Delim);
// Important
if (this.stream.advanceIfChar(_BNG)) {
return this.finishToken(offset, TokenType.Exclamation);
// Numbers
if (this._number()) {
const pos = this.stream.pos();
content = [this.stream.substring(offset, pos)];
if (this.stream.advanceIfChar(_PRC)) {
// Percentage 43%
return this.finishToken(offset, TokenType.Percentage);
else if (this.ident(content)) {
const dim = this.stream.substring(pos).toLowerCase();
const tokenType = staticUnitTable[dim];
if (typeof tokenType !== 'undefined') {
// Known dimension 43px
return this.finishToken(offset, tokenType, content.join(''));
else {
// Unknown dimension 43ft
return this.finishToken(offset, TokenType.Dimension, content.join(''));
return this.finishToken(offset, TokenType.Num);
// String, BadString
content = [];
let tokenType = this._string(content);
if (tokenType !== null) {
return this.finishToken(offset, tokenType, content.join(''));
// single character tokens
tokenType = staticTokenTable[this.stream.peekChar()];
if (typeof tokenType !== 'undefined') {
return this.finishToken(offset, tokenType);
// includes ~=
if (this.stream.peekChar(0) === _TLD && this.stream.peekChar(1) === _EQS) {
return this.finishToken(offset, TokenType.Includes);
// DashMatch |=
if (this.stream.peekChar(0) === _PIP && this.stream.peekChar(1) === _EQS) {
return this.finishToken(offset, TokenType.Dashmatch);
// Substring operator *=
if (this.stream.peekChar(0) === _MUL && this.stream.peekChar(1) === _EQS) {
return this.finishToken(offset, TokenType.SubstringOperator);
// Substring operator ^=
if (this.stream.peekChar(0) === _HAT && this.stream.peekChar(1) === _EQS) {
return this.finishToken(offset, TokenType.PrefixOperator);
// Substring operator $=
if (this.stream.peekChar(0) === _DLR && this.stream.peekChar(1) === _EQS) {
return this.finishToken(offset, TokenType.SuffixOperator);
// Delim
return this.finishToken(offset, TokenType.Delim);
trivia() {
while (true) {
const offset = this.stream.pos();
if (this._whitespace()) {
if (!this.ignoreWhitespace) {
return this.finishToken(offset, TokenType.Whitespace);
else if (this.comment()) {
if (!this.ignoreComment) {
return this.finishToken(offset, TokenType.Comment);
else {
return null;
comment() {
if (this.stream.advanceIfChars([_FSL, _MUL])) {
let success = false, hot = false;
this.stream.advanceWhileChar((ch) => {
if (hot && ch === _FSL) {
success = true;
return false;
hot = ch === _MUL;
return true;
if (success) {
return true;
return false;
_number() {
let npeek = 0, ch;
if (this.stream.peekChar() === _DOT) {
npeek = 1;
ch = this.stream.peekChar(npeek);
if (ch >= _0 && ch <= _9) {
this.stream.advance(npeek + 1);
this.stream.advanceWhileChar((ch) => {
return ch >= _0 && ch <= _9 || npeek === 0 && ch === _DOT;
return true;
return false;
_newline(result) {
const ch = this.stream.peekChar();
switch (ch) {
case _CAR:
case _LFD:
case _NWL:
if (ch === _CAR && this.stream.advanceIfChar(_NWL)) {
return true;
return false;
_escape(result, includeNewLines) {
let ch = this.stream.peekChar();
if (ch === _BSL) {
ch = this.stream.peekChar();
let hexNumCount = 0;
while (hexNumCount < 6 && (ch >= _0 && ch <= _9 || ch >= _a && ch <= _f || ch >= _A && ch <= _F)) {
ch = this.stream.peekChar();
if (hexNumCount > 0) {
try {
const hexVal = parseInt(this.stream.substring(this.stream.pos() - hexNumCount), 16);
if (hexVal) {
catch (e) {
// ignore
// optional whitespace or new line, not part of result text
if (ch === _WSP || ch === _TAB) {
else {
return true;
if (ch !== _CAR && ch !== _LFD && ch !== _NWL) {
return true;
else if (includeNewLines) {
return this._newline(result);
return false;
_stringChar(closeQuote, result) {
// not closeQuote, not backslash, not newline
const ch = this.stream.peekChar();
if (ch !== 0 && ch !== closeQuote && ch !== _BSL && ch !== _CAR && ch !== _LFD && ch !== _NWL) {
return true;
return false;
_string(result) {
if (this.stream.peekChar() === _SQO || this.stream.peekChar() === _DQO) {
const closeQuote = this.stream.nextChar();
while (this._stringChar(closeQuote, result) || this._escape(result, true)) {
// loop
if (this.stream.peekChar() === closeQuote) {
return TokenType.String;
else {
return TokenType.BadString;
return null;
_unquotedChar(result) {
// not closeQuote, not backslash, not newline
const ch = this.stream.peekChar();
if (ch !== 0 && ch !== _BSL && ch !== _SQO && ch !== _DQO && ch !== _LPA && ch !== _RPA && ch !== _WSP && ch !== _TAB && ch !== _NWL && ch !== _LFD && ch !== _CAR) {
return true;
return false;
_unquotedString(result) {
let hasContent = false;
while (this._unquotedChar(result) || this._escape(result)) {
hasContent = true;
return hasContent;
_whitespace() {
const n = this.stream.advanceWhileChar((ch) => {
return ch === _WSP || ch === _TAB || ch === _NWL || ch === _LFD || ch === _CAR;
return n > 0;
_name(result) {
let matched = false;
while (this._identChar(result) || this._escape(result)) {
matched = true;
return matched;
ident(result) {
const pos = this.stream.pos();
const hasMinus = this._minus(result);
if (hasMinus) {
if (this._minus(result) /* -- */ || this._identFirstChar(result) || this._escape(result)) {
while (this._identChar(result) || this._escape(result)) {
// loop
return true;
else if (this._identFirstChar(result) || this._escape(result)) {
while (this._identChar(result) || this._escape(result)) {
// loop
return true;
return false;
_identFirstChar(result) {
const ch = this.stream.peekChar();
if (ch === _USC || // _
ch >= _a && ch <= _z || // a-z
ch >= _A && ch <= _Z || // A-Z
ch >= 0x80 && ch <= 0xFFFF) { // nonascii
return true;
return false;
_minus(result) {
const ch = this.stream.peekChar();
if (ch === _MIN) {
return true;
return false;
_identChar(result) {
const ch = this.stream.peekChar();
if (ch === _USC || // _
ch === _MIN || // -
ch >= _a && ch <= _z || // a-z
ch >= _A && ch <= _Z || // A-Z
ch >= _0 && ch <= _9 || // 0/9
ch >= 0x80 && ch <= 0xFFFF) { // nonascii
return true;
return false;
_unicodeRange() {
// follow https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#tokenization and https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#urange-syntax
// assume u has already been parsed
if (this.stream.advanceIfChar(_PLS)) {
const isHexDigit = (ch) => (ch >= _0 && ch <= _9 || ch >= _a && ch <= _f || ch >= _A && ch <= _F);
const codePoints = this.stream.advanceWhileChar(isHexDigit) + this.stream.advanceWhileChar(ch => ch === _QSM);
if (codePoints >= 1 && codePoints <= 6) {
if (this.stream.advanceIfChar(_MIN)) {
const digits = this.stream.advanceWhileChar(isHexDigit);
if (digits >= 1 && digits <= 6) {
return true;
else {
return true;
return false;