sindrekjelsrud bb41712ce4 add TailwindCSS
+ a lot of node_modules?? unsure what happened
2023-07-20 20:28:44 +02:00

98 lines
4.6 KiB

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
const _setupTrackingContext = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("./lib/setupTrackingContext"));
const _processTailwindFeatures = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("./processTailwindFeatures"));
const _sharedState = require("./lib/sharedState");
const _findAtConfigPath = require("./lib/findAtConfigPath");
function _interop_require_default(obj) {
return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : {
default: obj
module.exports = function tailwindcss(configOrPath) {
return {
postcssPlugin: "tailwindcss",
plugins: [
_sharedState.env.DEBUG && function(root) {
console.time("JIT TOTAL");
return root;
async function(root, result) {
var _findAtConfigPath1;
// Use the path for the `@config` directive if it exists, otherwise use the
// path for the file being processed
configOrPath = (_findAtConfigPath1 = (0, _findAtConfigPath.findAtConfigPath)(root, result)) !== null && _findAtConfigPath1 !== void 0 ? _findAtConfigPath1 : configOrPath;
let context = (0, _setupTrackingContext.default)(configOrPath);
if (root.type === "document") {
let roots = root.nodes.filter((node)=>node.type === "root");
for (const root of roots){
if (root.type === "root") {
await (0, _processTailwindFeatures.default)(context)(root, result);
await (0, _processTailwindFeatures.default)(context)(root, result);
false && function lightningCssPlugin(_root, result) {
let postcss = require("postcss");
let lightningcss = require("lightningcss");
let browserslist = require("browserslist");
try {
let transformed = lightningcss.transform({
filename: result.opts.from,
code: Buffer.from(result.root.toString()),
minify: false,
sourceMap: !!result.map,
inputSourceMap: result.map ? result.map.toString() : undefined,
targets: typeof process !== "undefined" && process.env.JEST_WORKER_ID ? {
chrome: 106 << 16
} : lightningcss.browserslistToTargets(browserslist(require("../package.json").browserslist)),
drafts: {
nesting: true,
customMedia: true
var _result_map;
result.map = Object.assign((_result_map = result.map) !== null && _result_map !== void 0 ? _result_map : {}, {
toJSON () {
return transformed.map.toJSON();
toString () {
return transformed.map.toString();
result.root = postcss.parse(transformed.code.toString("utf8"));
} catch (err) {
if (typeof process !== "undefined" && process.env.JEST_WORKER_ID) {
let lines = err.source.split("\n");
err = new Error([
"Error formatting using Lightning CSS:",
...lines.slice(Math.max(err.loc.line - 3, 0), err.loc.line),
" ".repeat(err.loc.column - 1) + "^-- " + err.toString(),
...lines.slice(err.loc.line, err.loc.line + 2),
if (Error.captureStackTrace) {
Error.captureStackTrace(err, lightningCssPlugin);
throw err;
_sharedState.env.DEBUG && function(root) {
console.timeEnd("JIT TOTAL");
return root;
module.exports.postcss = true;