863 lines
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863 lines
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// TypeScript Version: 4.0
// Note: this is a `.d.ts` file because it is not possible to have default type
// parameters in JSDoc-based TypeScript, which is a feature we use to type that:
// ```js
// .use(somePlugin, theOptions)
// ```
// `theOptions` matches the options that `somePlugin` expects and thus is very
// important for making unified usable in TypeScript.
// Furthermore, this is places in the root of the project because types that
// accept type parameters cannot be re-exported as such easily.
import {Node} from 'unist'
import {VFile, VFileCompatible} from 'vfile'
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */
type VFileWithOutput<Result> = Result extends Uint8Array // Buffer.
? VFile
: Result extends object // Custom result type
? VFile & {result: Result}
: VFile
// Get the right most non-void thing.
type Specific<Left = void, Right = void> = Right extends void ? Left : Right
// Create a processor based on the input/output of a plugin.
type UsePlugin<
ParseTree extends Node | void = void,
CurrentTree extends Node | void = void,
CompileTree extends Node | void = void,
CompileResult = void,
Input = void,
Output = void
> = Output extends Node
? Input extends string
? // If `Input` is `string` and `Output` is `Node`, then this plugin
// defines a parser, so set `ParseTree`.
Specific<Output, CurrentTree>,
Specific<Output, CompileTree>,
: Input extends Node
? // If `Input` is `Node` and `Output` is `Node`, then this plugin defines a
// transformer, its output defines the input of the next, so set
// `CurrentTree`.
Specific<Input, ParseTree>,
Specific<CompileTree, Output>,
: // Else, `Input` is something else and `Output` is `Node`:
: Input extends Node
? // If `Input` is `Node` and `Output` is not a `Node`, then this plugin
// defines a compiler, so set `CompileTree` and `CompileResult`
Specific<Input, ParseTree>,
Specific<Input, CurrentTree>,
: // Else, `Input` is not a `Node` and `Output` is not a `Node`.
// Maybe it’s untyped, or the plugin throws an error (`never`), so lets
// just keep it as it was.
Processor<ParseTree, CurrentTree, CompileTree, CompileResult>
/* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */
* Processor allows plugins to be chained together to transform content.
* The chain of plugins defines how content flows through it.
* @typeParam ParseTree
* The node that the parser yields (and `run` receives).
* @typeParam CurrentTree
* The node that the last attached plugin yields.
* @typeParam CompileTree
* The node that the compiler receives (and `run` yields).
* @typeParam CompileResult
* The thing that the compiler yields.
export interface Processor<
ParseTree extends Node | void = void,
CurrentTree extends Node | void = void,
CompileTree extends Node | void = void,
CompileResult = void
> extends FrozenProcessor<ParseTree, CurrentTree, CompileTree, CompileResult> {
* Configure the processor to use a plugin.
* @typeParam PluginParameters
* Plugin settings.
* @typeParam Input
* Value that is accepted by the plugin.
* * If the plugin returns a transformer, then this should be the node
* type that the transformer expects.
* * If the plugin sets a parser, then this should be `string`.
* * If the plugin sets a compiler, then this should be the node type that
* the compiler expects.
* @typeParam Output
* Value that the plugin yields.
* * If the plugin returns a transformer, then this should be the node
* type that the transformer yields, and defaults to `Input`.
* * If the plugin sets a parser, then this should be the node type that
* the parser yields.
* * If the plugin sets a compiler, then this should be the result that
* the compiler yields (`string`, `Buffer`, or something else).
* @param plugin
* Plugin (function) to use.
* Plugins are deduped based on identity: passing a function in twice will
* cause it to run only once.
* @param settings
* Configuration for plugin, optional.
* Plugins typically receive one options object, but could receive other and
* more values.
* It’s also possible to pass a boolean instead of settings: `true` (to turn
* a plugin on) or `false` (to turn a plugin off).
* @returns
* Current processor.
PluginParameters extends any[] = any[],
Input = Specific<Node, CurrentTree>,
Output = Input
plugin: Plugin<PluginParameters, Input, Output>,
...settings: PluginParameters | [boolean]
): UsePlugin<
* Configure the processor with a tuple of a plugin and setting(s).
* @typeParam PluginParameters
* Plugin settings.
* @typeParam Input
* Value that is accepted by the plugin.
* * If the plugin returns a transformer, then this should be the node
* type that the transformer expects.
* * If the plugin sets a parser, then this should be `string`.
* * If the plugin sets a compiler, then this should be the node type that
* the compiler expects.
* @typeParam Output
* Value that the plugin yields.
* * If the plugin returns a transformer, then this should be the node
* type that the transformer yields, and defaults to `Input`.
* * If the plugin sets a parser, then this should be the node type that
* the parser yields.
* * If the plugin sets a compiler, then this should be the result that
* the compiler yields (`string`, `Buffer`, or something else).
* @param tuple
* A tuple where the first item is a plugin (function) to use and other
* items are options.
* Plugins are deduped based on identity: passing a function in twice will
* cause it to run only once.
* It’s also possible to pass a boolean instead of settings: `true` (to turn
* a plugin on) or `false` (to turn a plugin off).
* @returns
* Current processor.
PluginParameters extends any[] = any[],
Input = Specific<Node, CurrentTree>,
Output = Input
| PluginTuple<PluginParameters, Input, Output>
| [Plugin<PluginParameters, Input, Output>, boolean]
): UsePlugin<
* Configure the processor with a preset or list of plugins and presets.
* @param presetOrList
* Either a list of plugins, presets, and tuples, or a single preset: an
* object with a `plugins` (list) and/or `settings`
* (`Record<string, unknown>`).
* @returns
* Current processor.
presetOrList: Preset | PluggableList
): Processor<ParseTree, CurrentTree, CompileTree, CompileResult>
* A frozen processor is just like a regular processor, except no additional
* plugins can be added.
* A frozen processor can be created by calling `.freeze()` on a processor.
* An unfrozen processor can be created by calling a processor.
export interface FrozenProcessor<
ParseTree extends Node | void = void,
CurrentTree extends Node | void = void,
CompileTree extends Node | void = void,
CompileResult = void
> {
* Clone current processor
* @returns
* New unfrozen processor that is configured to function the same as its
* ancestor.
* But when the descendant processor is configured it does not affect the
* ancestral processor.
(): Processor<ParseTree, CurrentTree, CompileTree, CompileResult>
* Internal list of configured plugins.
* @private
attachers: Array<[Plugin, ...unknown[]]>
Parser?: Parser<Specific<Node, ParseTree>> | undefined
| Compiler<Specific<Node, CompileTree>, Specific<unknown, CompileResult>>
| undefined
* Parse a file.
* @param file
* File to parse.
* `VFile` or anything that can be given to `new VFile()`, optional.
* @returns
* Resulting tree.
parse(file?: VFileCompatible | undefined): Specific<Node, ParseTree>
* Compile a file.
* @param node
* Node to compile.
* @param file
* `VFile` or anything that can be given to `new VFile()`, optional.
* @returns
* New content: compiled text (`string` or `Buffer`) or something else.
* This depends on which plugins you use: typically text, but could for
* example be a React node.
node: Specific<Node, CompileTree>,
file?: VFileCompatible | undefined
): CompileTree extends Node ? CompileResult : unknown
* Run transforms on the given tree.
* @param node
* Tree to transform.
* @param callback
* Callback called with an error or the resulting node.
* @returns
* Nothing.
node: Specific<Node, ParseTree>,
callback: RunCallback<Specific<Node, CompileTree>>
): void
* Run transforms on the given node.
* @param node
* Tree to transform.
* @param file
* File associated with `node`.
* `VFile` or anything that can be given to `new VFile()`.
* @param callback
* Callback called with an error or the resulting node.
* @returns
* Nothing.
node: Specific<Node, ParseTree>,
file: VFileCompatible | undefined,
callback: RunCallback<Specific<Node, CompileTree>>
): void
* Run transforms on the given node.
* @param node
* Tree to transform.
* @param file
* File associated with `node`.
* `VFile` or anything that can be given to `new VFile()`.
* @returns
* Promise that resolves to the resulting tree.
node: Specific<Node, ParseTree>,
file?: VFileCompatible | undefined
): Promise<Specific<Node, CompileTree>>
* Run transforms on the given node, synchronously.
* Throws when asynchronous transforms are configured.
* @param node
* Tree to transform.
* @param file
* File associated with `node`.
* `VFile` or anything that can be given to `new VFile()`, optional.
* @returns
* Resulting tree.
node: Specific<Node, ParseTree>,
file?: VFileCompatible | undefined
): Specific<Node, CompileTree>
* Process a file.
* This performs all phases of the processor:
* 1. Parse a file into a unist node using the configured `Parser`
* 2. Run transforms on that node
* 3. Compile the resulting node using the `Compiler`
* The result from the compiler is stored on the file.
* What the result is depends on which plugins you use.
* The result is typically text (`string` or `Buffer`), which can be retrieved
* with `file.toString()` (or `String(file)`).
* In some cases, such as when using `rehypeReact` to create a React node,
* the result is stored on `file.result`.
* @param file
* `VFile` or anything that can be given to `new VFile()`.
* @param callback
* Callback called with an error or the resulting file.
* @returns
* Nothing.
file: VFileCompatible | undefined,
callback: ProcessCallback<VFileWithOutput<CompileResult>>
): void
* Process a file.
* This performs all phases of the processor:
* 1. Parse a file into a unist node using the configured `Parser`
* 2. Run transforms on that node
* 3. Compile the resulting node using the `Compiler`
* The result from the compiler is stored on the file.
* What the result is depends on which plugins you use.
* The result is typically text (`string` or `Buffer`), which can be retrieved
* with `file.toString()` (or `String(file)`).
* In some cases, such as when using `rehypeReact` to create a React node,
* the result is stored on `file.result`.
* @param file
* `VFile` or anything that can be given to `new VFile()`.
* @returns
* Promise that resolves to the resulting `VFile`.
process(file: VFileCompatible): Promise<VFileWithOutput<CompileResult>>
* Process a file, synchronously.
* Throws when asynchronous transforms are configured.
* This performs all phases of the processor:
* 1. Parse a file into a unist node using the configured `Parser`
* 2. Run transforms on that node
* 3. Compile the resulting node using the `Compiler`
* The result from the compiler is stored on the file.
* What the result is depends on which plugins you use.
* The result is typically text (`string` or `Buffer`), which can be retrieved
* with `file.toString()` (or `String(file)`).
* In some cases, such as when using `rehypeReact` to create a React node,
* the result is stored on `file.result`.
* @param file
* `VFile` or anything that can be given to `new VFile()`, optional.
* @returns
* Resulting file.
file?: VFileCompatible | undefined
): VFileWithOutput<CompileResult>
* Get an in-memory key-value store accessible to all phases of the process.
* @returns
* Key-value store.
data(): Record<string, unknown>
* Set an in-memory key-value store accessible to all phases of the process.
* @param data
* Key-value store.
* @returns
* Current processor.
data: Record<string, unknown>
): Processor<ParseTree, CurrentTree, CompileTree, CompileResult>
* Get an in-memory value by key.
* @param key
* Key to get.
* @returns
* The value at `key`.
data(key: string): unknown
* Set an in-memory value by key.
* @param key
* Key to set.
* @param value
* Value to set.
* @returns
* Current processor.
key: string,
value: unknown
): Processor<ParseTree, CurrentTree, CompileTree, CompileResult>
* Freeze a processor.
* Frozen processors are meant to be extended and not to be configured or
* processed directly.
* Once a processor is frozen it cannot be unfrozen.
* New processors working just like it can be created by calling the
* processor.
* It’s possible to freeze processors explicitly, by calling `.freeze()`, but
* `.parse()`, `.run()`, `.stringify()`, and `.process()` call `.freeze()` to
* freeze a processor too.
* @returns
* Frozen processor.
freeze(): FrozenProcessor<ParseTree, CurrentTree, CompileTree, CompileResult>
* A plugin is a function.
* It configures the processor and in turn can receive options.
* Plugins can configure processors by interacting with parsers and compilers
* (at `this.Parser` or `this.Compiler`) or by specifying how the syntax tree
* is handled (by returning a `Transformer`).
* @typeParam PluginParameters
* Plugin settings.
* @typeParam Input
* Value that is accepted by the plugin.
* * If the plugin returns a transformer, then this should be the node
* type that the transformer expects.
* * If the plugin sets a parser, then this should be `string`.
* * If the plugin sets a compiler, then this should be the node type that
* the compiler expects.
* @typeParam Output
* Value that the plugin yields.
* * If the plugin returns a transformer, then this should be the node
* type that the transformer yields, and defaults to `Input`.
* * If the plugin sets a parser, then this should be the node type that
* the parser yields.
* * If the plugin sets a compiler, then this should be the result that
* the compiler yields (`string`, `Buffer`, or something else).
* @this
* The current processor.
* Plugins can configure the processor by interacting with `this.Parser` or
* `this.Compiler`, or by accessing the data associated with the whole process
* (`this.data`).
* @param settings
* Configuration for plugin.
* Plugins typically receive one options object, but could receive other and
* more values.
* Users can also pass a boolean instead of settings: `true` (to turn
* a plugin on) or `false` (to turn a plugin off).
* When a plugin is turned off, it won’t be called.
* When creating your own plugins, please accept only a single object!
* It allows plugins to be reconfigured and it helps users to know that every
* plugin accepts one options object.
* @returns
* Plugins can return a `Transformer` to specify how the syntax tree is
* handled.
export type Plugin<
PluginParameters extends any[] = any[],
Input = Node,
Output = Input
> = (
this: Input extends Node
? Output extends Node
? // This is a transform, so define `Input` as the current tree.
Processor<void, Input>
: // Compiler.
Processor<void, Input, Input, Output>
: Output extends Node
? // Parser.
Processor<Output, Output>
: // No clue.
...settings: PluginParameters
) => // If both `Input` and `Output` are `Node`, expect an optional `Transformer`.
Input extends Node
? Output extends Node
? Transformer<Input, Output> | void
: void
: void
* Presets provide a sharable way to configure processors with multiple plugins
* and/or settings.
export interface Preset {
plugins?: PluggableList
settings?: Record<string, unknown>
* A tuple of a plugin and its setting(s).
* The first item is a plugin (function) to use and other items are options.
* Plugins are deduped based on identity: passing a function in twice will
* cause it to run only once.
* @typeParam PluginParameters
* Plugin settings.
* @typeParam Input
* Value that is accepted by the plugin.
* * If the plugin returns a transformer, then this should be the node
* type that the transformer expects.
* * If the plugin sets a parser, then this should be `string`.
* * If the plugin sets a compiler, then this should be the node type that
* the compiler expects.
* @typeParam Output
* Value that the plugin yields.
* * If the plugin returns a transformer, then this should be the node
* type that the transformer yields, and defaults to `Input`.
* * If the plugin sets a parser, then this should be the node type that
* the parser yields.
* * If the plugin sets a compiler, then this should be the result that
* the compiler yields (`string`, `Buffer`, or something else).
export type PluginTuple<
PluginParameters extends any[] = any[],
Input = Node,
Output = Input
> = [Plugin<PluginParameters, Input, Output>, ...PluginParameters]
* A union of the different ways to add plugins and settings.
* @typeParam PluginParameters
* Plugin settings.
export type Pluggable<PluginParameters extends any[] = any[]> =
| PluginTuple<PluginParameters, any, any>
| Plugin<PluginParameters, any, any>
| Preset
* A list of plugins and presets.
export type PluggableList = Pluggable[]
* @deprecated
* Please use `Plugin`.
export type Attacher<
PluginParameters extends any[] = any[],
Input = Node,
Output = Input
> = Plugin<PluginParameters, Input, Output>
* Transformers modify the syntax tree or metadata of a file.
* A transformer is a function that is called each time a file is passed
* through the transform phase.
* If an error occurs (either because it’s thrown, returned, rejected, or passed
* to `next`), the process stops.
* @typeParam Input
* Node type that the transformer expects.
* @typeParam Output
* Node type that the transformer yields.
* @param node
* Tree to be transformed.
* @param file
* File associated with node.
* @param next
* Callback that you must call when done.
* Note: this is given if you accept three parameters in your transformer.
* If you accept up to two parameters, it’s not given, and you can return
* a promise.
* @returns
* Any of the following:
* * `void` — If nothing is returned, the next transformer keeps using same
* tree.
* * `Error` — Can be returned to stop the process.
* * `Node` — Can be returned and results in further transformations and
* `stringify`s to be performed on the new tree.
* * `Promise` — If a promise is returned, the function is asynchronous, and
* must be resolved (optionally with a `Node`) or rejected (optionally with
* an `Error`).
* If you accept a `next` callback, nothing should be returned.
export type Transformer<
Input extends Node = Node,
Output extends Node = Input
> = (
node: Input,
file: VFile,
next: TransformCallback<Output>
) => Promise<Output | undefined | void> | Output | Error | undefined | void
* Callback you must call when a transformer is done.
* @typeParam Tree
* Node that the plugin yields.
* @param error
* Pass an error to stop the process.
* @param node
* Pass a tree to continue transformations (and `stringify`) on the new tree.
* @param file
* Pass a file to continue transformations (and `stringify`) on the new file.
* @returns
* Nothing.
export type TransformCallback<Tree extends Node = Node> = (
error?: Error | null | undefined,
node?: Tree | undefined,
file?: VFile | undefined
) => void
* Function handling the parsing of text to a syntax tree.
* Used in the parse phase in the process and called with a `string` and
* `VFile` representation of the document to parse.
* `Parser` can be a normal function, in which case it must return a `Node`:
* the syntax tree representation of the given file.
* `Parser` can also be a constructor function (a function with keys in its
* `prototype`), in which case it’s called with `new`.
* Instances must have a parse method that is called without arguments and
* must return a `Node`.
* @typeParam Tree
* The node that the parser yields (and `run` receives).
export type Parser<Tree extends Node = Node> =
| ParserClass<Tree>
| ParserFunction<Tree>
* A class to parse files.
* @typeParam Tree
* The node that the parser yields.
export class ParserClass<Tree extends Node = Node> {
prototype: {
* Parse a file.
* @returns
* Parsed tree.
parse(): Tree
* Constructor.
* @param document
* Document to parse.
* @param file
* File associated with `document`.
* @returns
* Instance.
constructor(document: string, file: VFile)
* Normal function to parse a file.
* @typeParam Tree
* The node that the parser yields.
* @param document
* Document to parse.
* @param file
* File associated with `document`.
* @returns
* Node representing the given file.
export type ParserFunction<Tree extends Node = Node> = (
document: string,
file: VFile
) => Tree
* Function handling the compilation of syntax tree to a text.
* Used in the stringify phase in the process and called with a `Node` and
* `VFile` representation of the document to stringify.
* `Compiler` can be a normal function, in which case it must return a
* `string`: the text representation of the given syntax tree.
* `Compiler` can also be a constructor function (a function with keys in its
* `prototype`), in which case it’s called with `new`.
* Instances must have a `compile` method that is called without arguments
* and must return a `string`.
* @typeParam Tree
* The node that the compiler receives.
* @typeParam Result
* The thing that the compiler yields.
export type Compiler<Tree extends Node = Node, Result = unknown> =
| CompilerClass<Tree, Result>
| CompilerFunction<Tree, Result>
* A class to compile trees.
* @typeParam Tree
* The node that the compiler receives.
* @typeParam Result
* The thing that the compiler yields.
export class CompilerClass<Tree extends Node = Node, Result = unknown> {
prototype: {
* Compile a tree.
* @returns
* New content: compiled text (`string` or `Buffer`, for `file.value`) or
* something else (for `file.result`).
compile(): Result
* Constructor.
* @param tree
* Tree to compile.
* @param file
* File associated with `tree`.
* @returns
* Instance.
constructor(tree: Tree, file: VFile)
* Normal function to compile a tree.
* @typeParam Tree
* The node that the compiler receives.
* @typeParam Result
* The thing that the compiler yields.
* @param tree
* Tree to compile.
* @param file
* File associated with `tree`.
* @returns
* New content: compiled text (`string` or `Buffer`, for `file.value`) or
* something else (for `file.result`).
export type CompilerFunction<Tree extends Node = Node, Result = unknown> = (
tree: Tree,
file: VFile
) => Result
* Callback called when a done running.
* @typeParam Tree
* The tree that the callback receives.
* @param error
* Error passed when unsuccessful.
* @param node
* Tree to transform.
* @param file
* File passed when successful.
* @returns
* Nothing.
export type RunCallback<Tree extends Node = Node> = (
error?: Error | null | undefined,
node?: Tree | undefined,
file?: VFile | undefined
) => void
* Callback called when a done processing.
* @typeParam File
* The file that the callback receives.
* @param error
* Error passed when unsuccessful.
* @param file
* File passed when successful.
* @returns
* Nothing.
export type ProcessCallback<File extends VFile = VFile> = (
error?: Error | null | undefined,
file?: File | undefined
) => void
* A frozen processor.
export function unified(): Processor