2023-07-19 21:31:30 +02:00

119 lines
4.3 KiB

import { OrMask } from './utils';
export declare class Theme {
private readonly _colorMap;
private readonly _defaults;
private readonly _root;
static createFromRawTheme(source: IRawTheme | undefined, colorMap?: string[]): Theme;
static createFromParsedTheme(source: ParsedThemeRule[], colorMap?: string[]): Theme;
private readonly _cachedMatchRoot;
constructor(_colorMap: ColorMap, _defaults: StyleAttributes, _root: ThemeTrieElement);
getColorMap(): string[];
getDefaults(): StyleAttributes;
match(scopePath: ScopeStack | null): StyleAttributes | null;
* Identifiers with a binary dot operator.
* Examples: `baz` or `foo.bar`
export declare type ScopeName = string;
* An expression language of ScopeNames with a binary space (to indicate nesting) operator.
* Examples: `foo.bar boo.baz`
export declare type ScopePath = string;
* An expression language of ScopePathStr with a binary comma (to indicate alternatives) operator.
* Examples: `foo.bar boo.baz,quick quack`
export declare type ScopePattern = string;
* A TextMate theme.
export interface IRawTheme {
readonly name?: string;
readonly settings: IRawThemeSetting[];
* A single theme setting.
export interface IRawThemeSetting {
readonly name?: string;
readonly scope?: ScopePattern | ScopePattern[];
readonly settings: {
readonly fontStyle?: string;
readonly foreground?: string;
readonly background?: string;
export declare class ScopeStack {
readonly parent: ScopeStack | null;
readonly scopeName: ScopeName;
static from(first: ScopeName, ...segments: ScopeName[]): ScopeStack;
static from(...segments: ScopeName[]): ScopeStack | null;
constructor(parent: ScopeStack | null, scopeName: ScopeName);
push(scopeName: ScopeName): ScopeStack;
getSegments(): ScopeName[];
toString(): string;
export declare class StyleAttributes {
readonly fontStyle: OrMask<FontStyle>;
readonly foregroundId: number;
readonly backgroundId: number;
constructor(fontStyle: OrMask<FontStyle>, foregroundId: number, backgroundId: number);
* Parse a raw theme into rules.
export declare function parseTheme(source: IRawTheme | undefined): ParsedThemeRule[];
export declare class ParsedThemeRule {
readonly scope: ScopeName;
readonly parentScopes: ScopeName[] | null;
readonly index: number;
readonly fontStyle: OrMask<FontStyle>;
readonly foreground: string | null;
readonly background: string | null;
constructor(scope: ScopeName, parentScopes: ScopeName[] | null, index: number, fontStyle: OrMask<FontStyle>, foreground: string | null, background: string | null);
export declare const enum FontStyle {
NotSet = -1,
None = 0,
Italic = 1,
Bold = 2,
Underline = 4,
Strikethrough = 8
export declare function fontStyleToString(fontStyle: OrMask<FontStyle>): string;
export declare class ColorMap {
private readonly _isFrozen;
private _lastColorId;
private _id2color;
private _color2id;
constructor(_colorMap?: string[]);
getId(color: string | null): number;
getColorMap(): string[];
export declare class ThemeTrieElementRule {
scopeDepth: number;
parentScopes: ScopeName[] | null;
fontStyle: number;
foreground: number;
background: number;
constructor(scopeDepth: number, parentScopes: ScopeName[] | null, fontStyle: number, foreground: number, background: number);
clone(): ThemeTrieElementRule;
static cloneArr(arr: ThemeTrieElementRule[]): ThemeTrieElementRule[];
acceptOverwrite(scopeDepth: number, fontStyle: number, foreground: number, background: number): void;
export interface ITrieChildrenMap {
[segment: string]: ThemeTrieElement;
export declare class ThemeTrieElement {
private readonly _mainRule;
private readonly _children;
private readonly _rulesWithParentScopes;
constructor(_mainRule: ThemeTrieElementRule, rulesWithParentScopes?: ThemeTrieElementRule[], _children?: ITrieChildrenMap);
private static _sortBySpecificity;
private static _cmpBySpecificity;
match(scope: ScopeName): ThemeTrieElementRule[];
insert(scopeDepth: number, scope: ScopeName, parentScopes: ScopeName[] | null, fontStyle: number, foreground: number, background: number): void;
private _doInsertHere;