# 🤖sidBot-js

A simple Discord bot made in Javascript using [discord.js](https://discord.js.org/#/), [node.js](https://nodejs.org/en) and [axios](https://axios-http.com/)

[![Add sidBot](https://img.shields.io/badge/-Add%20Bot-141B2E?style=for-the-badge&logo=discord)](https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=1054491638682095626&permissions=8&scope=bot) <br>

**Add the bot to your Discord server and use these awesome features! :sparkles:**

## List of features/commands

:volcano: Commands:

!help           - List of commands
!hello          - Bot responds with "Hello!"
!ping           - Bot responds with "Pong!" and botlatency + a gif from Ping Pong The Animation
!github         - Flexes github link
!coinflip       - Heads or Tails!
!invbot         - Bot sends invite link for itself
!xmas           - Someone writes "merry christmas" and bot responds w/ legendary vine quote selected from an array
!dog            - Bot supplies with pictures of cute doggos across the whole internet through Dog API
!quote          - Bot inspires user with a quote from the free, open source quotations API Quotable
!kanye          - Bot gives user a legendary Kanye quote
!chuck norris   - Bot gives user a good old Chuck Norris joke
!btc            - Bot shows user current Bitcoin price in euro
!eth            - Bot shows user current Ethereum price in euro
!meme           - Bot summons a random meme from reddit