# 🤖sidBot | A Discord bot **_Currently sidBot-js is the only one active, which is selfhosted by me_** [![Add sidBot](https://img.shields.io/badge/-Add%20Bot-141B2E?style=for-the-badge&logo=discord)](https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=1054491638682095626&permissions=8&scope=bot)
## Info This repo contains both a Python Discord bot and a JavaScript Discord bot. In both their respective folders is a README containing info on them. The Python version was made during Dec. 2021 - Mar. 2022, while the JavaScript version is a current WIP which I started coding around Dec. 2022. The reason why I moved over to JavaScript is because I read some place that the [discord.py](https://github.com/Rapptz/discord.py) library was getting shut down (it did not lol). ## What I've learned from the project so far - Both syntax of Python and JavaScript, first time I've built a project in both of them - A bit of the Flask framework - A bit of node.js and axios - How to gather information from API's - How information is structured in the form of JSON - How a Discord bot works - The security risk of someone getting your bots token ## Future plans: - [ ] An auto welcome message for new users on the server - [ ] !rps - Rock-Paper-Scissors game - [ ] !poll - Bot lets user create a poll with emojis which indicates options - [ ] !movie - Bot sends a movie recommendation from a movie database - [ ] !trivia - Bot sends a random trivia question both with and without multiple choice answers - [ ] !stats - Bot sends a statistic for the discord server, like total servermembers, bots and online members