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🤖sidBot | A Discord bot created by Sindre Kjelsrud
List of features/commands:
List of commands
Bot responds with "Hello!"
Bot responds with "Pong!" and botlatency + a gif from Ping Pong The Animation
Flexes github link
Heads or Tails!
merry christmas
Someone writes "merry christmas" and bot responds w/ legendary vine quote selected from an array
Bot inspires user with a quote from
Bot supplies with premium memes from subreddits across Reddit from Huge RedditMemesAPI
Bot supplies with pictures of cute doggos across the whole internet through Dog API
Bot sends invite link for itself
To Do:
Rock-Paper-Scissors game
Bot lets user create a poll with emojis which indicates options
Bot sends a movie recommendation from a movie database
Bot sends a random trivia question both with and without multiple choice answers
Bot sends a statistic for the discord server, like total servermembers, bots and online members