2023-07-19 21:31:30 +02:00

212 lines
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# style-to-object
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Parses inline style to object:
var parse = require('style-to-object');
parse('color: #C0FFEE; background: #BADA55;');
{ color: '#C0FFEE', background: '#BADA55' }
[JSFiddle](https://jsfiddle.net/remarkablemark/ykz2meot/) | [Replit](https://replit.com/@remarkablemark/style-to-object) | [Examples](https://github.com/remarkablemark/style-to-object/tree/master/examples)
## Installation
npm install style-to-object --save
yarn add style-to-object
<script src="https://unpkg.com/style-to-object@latest/dist/style-to-object.min.js"></script>
window.StyleToObject(/* string */);
## Usage
Import the module:
// CommonJS
const parse = require('style-to-object');
// ES Modules
import parse from 'style-to-object';
Parse single declaration:
parse('line-height: 42');
{ 'line-height': '42' }
Parse multiple declarations:
border-color: #ACE;
z-index: 1337;
{ 'border-color': '#ACE', 'z-index': '1337' }
Parse unknown declarations:
parse('answer: 42;');
{ 'answer': '42' }
Invalid declarations/arguments:
<!-- prettier-ignore-start -->
top: ;
right: 1em;
`); // { right: '1em' }
parse(); // null
parse(null); // null
parse(1); // null
parse(true); // null
parse('top:'); // null
parse(':12px'); // null
parse(':'); // null
parse(';'); // null
parse('top'); // throws Error
parse('/*'); // throws Error
<!-- prettier-ignore-end -->
### Iterator
If the 2nd argument is a function, then the parser will return `null`:
parse('color: #f00', function() {}); // null
But the function will iterate through each declaration:
<!-- prettier-ignore-start -->
parse('color: #f00', function(name, value, declaration) {
console.log(name); // 'color'
console.log(value); // '#f00'
console.log(declaration); // { type: 'declaration', property: 'color', value: '#f00' }
<!-- prettier-ignore-end -->
This makes it easy to customize the output:
const style = `
color: red;
background: blue;
const output = [];
function iterator(name, value) {
output.push([name, value]);
parse(style, iterator);
console.log(output); // [['color', 'red'], ['background', 'blue']]
## Testing
Run tests:
npm test
Run tests in watch mode:
npm run test:watch
Run tests with coverage:
npm run test:coverage
Lint files:
npm run lint
Fix lint errors:
npm run lint:fix
Test TypeScript declaration file for style and correctness:
npm run lint:dts
## Release
Release and publish are automated by [Release Please](https://github.com/googleapis/release-please).
## Special Thanks
- [inline-style-parser](https://github.com/remarkablemark/inline-style-parser)
- [Contributors](https://github.com/remarkablemark/style-to-object/graphs/contributors)
## License