20 KiB
Note: If you find missing information about particular minor version, that version must have been changed without any functional change in this library.
4.2.6 / 2023-07-17
- Remove trailing slash from jPath for self-closing tags (#595) (By Maciej Radzikowski)
4.2.5 / 2023-06-22
- change code implementation
4.2.4 / 2023-06-06
- fix security bug
4.2.3 / 2023-06-05
- fix security bug
4.2.2 / 2023-04-18
- fix #562: fix unpaired tag when it comes in last of a nested tag. Also throw error when unpaired tag is used as closing tag
4.2.1 / 2023-04-18
- fix: jpath after unpaired tags
4.2.0 / 2023-04-09
- support
parser property
4.1.4 / 2023-04-08
- update typings to let user create XMLBuilder instance without options (#556) (By Patrick)
- fix: IsArray option isn't parsing tags with 0 as value correctly #490 (#557) (By Aleksandr Murashkin)
- feature: support
to group repeated children tags udder single group
4.1.3 / 2023-02-26
- fix #546: Support complex entity value
4.1.2 / 2023-02-12
- Security Fix
4.1.1 / 2023-02-03
- Fix #540: ignoreAttributes breaks unpairedTags
- Refactor XML builder code
4.1.0 / 2023-02-02
- Fix '<' or '>' in DTD comment throwing an error. (#533) (By Adam Baker)
- Set "eNotation" to 'true' as default
4.0.15 / 2023-01-25
- make "eNotation" optional
4.0.14 / 2023-01-22
- fixed: add missed typing "eNotation" to parse values
4.0.13 / 2023-01-07
- preserveorder formatting (By mdeknowis)
- support
(By Erik Rothoff Andersson)
4.0.12 / 2022-11-19
- fix typescript
4.0.11 / 2022-10-05
- fix #501: parse for entities only once
4.0.10 / 2022-09-14
- fix broken links in demo site (By Yannick Lang)
- fix #491: tagValueProcessor type definition (By Andrea Francesco Speziale)
- Add jsdocs for tagValueProcessor
4.0.9 / 2022-07-10
- fix #470: stop-tag can have self-closing tag with same name
- fix #472: stopNode can have any special tag inside
- Add transformTagName option to transform tag names when parsing (#469) (By Erik Rothoff Andersson)
4.0.8 / 2022-05-28
- Fix CDATA parsing returning empty string when value = 0 (#451) (By ndelanou)
- Fix stopNodes when same tag appears inside node (#456) (By patrickshipe)
- fix #468: prettify own properties only
4.0.7 / 2022-03-18
- support CDATA even if tag order is not preserved
- support Comments even if tag order is not preserved
- fix #446: XMLbuilder should not indent XML declaration
4.0.6 / 2022-03-08
- fix: call tagValueProcessor only once for array items
- fix: missing changed for #437
4.0.5 / 2022-03-06
- fix #437: call tagValueProcessor from XML builder
4.0.4 / 2022-03-03
- fix #435: should skip unpaired and self-closing nodes when set as stopnodes
4.0.3 / 2022-02-15
- fix: ReferenceError when Bundled with Strict (#431) (By Andreas Heissenberger)
4.0.2 / 2022-02-04
- builder supports
- parser supports
- fix: when comment is parsed as text value if given as
<!--> ...
#423 - builder supports decoding
4.0.1 / 2022-01-08
- fix builder for pi tag
- fix: support suppressBooleanAttrs by builder
4.0.0 / 2022-01-06
- Generating different combined, parser only, builder only, validator only browser bundles
- Keeping cjs modules as they can be imported in cjs and esm modules both. Otherwise refer
4.0.0-beta.8 / 2021-12-13
- call tagValueProcessor for stop nodes
4.0.0-beta.7 / 2021-12-09
- fix Validator bug when an attribute has no value but '=' only
- XML Builder should suppress unpaired tags by default.
- documents update for missing features
- refactoring to use Object.assign
- refactoring to remove repeated code
4.0.0-beta.6 / 2021-12-05
- Support PI Tags processing
- Support
by XML Builder for attributes with valuetrue
4.0.0-beta.5 / 2021-12-04
- fix: when a tag with name "attributes"
4.0.0-beta.4 / 2021-12-02
- Support HTML document parsing
- skip stop nodes parsing when building the XML from JS object
- Support external entites without DOCTYPE
- update dev dependency: strnum v1.0.5 to fix long number issue
4.0.0-beta.3 / 2021-11-30
- support global stopNodes expression like "*.stop"
- support self-closing and paired unpaired tags
- fix: CDATA should not be parsed.
- Fix typings for XMLBuilder (#396)(By Anders Emil Salvesen)
- supports XML entities, HTML entities, DOCTYPE entities
⚠️ 4.0.0-beta.2 / 2021-11-19
- rename
in parser output whenpreserveOrder:true
- supports unpairedTags
⚠️ 4.0.0-beta.1 / 2021-11-18
- Parser returns an array now
- to make the structure common
- and to return root level detail
- renamed
- Added
- fix typings
⚠️ 4.0.0-beta.0 / 2021-11-16
- Name change of many configuration properties.
- spelling correction for
- Name change of cli and browser bundle to fxparser
option is added to parse a tag into arraypreserveOrder
option is added to render XML in such a way that the result js Object maintains the order of properties same as in XML.- Processing behaviour of
are changes with extra input parameters - j2xparser is renamed to XMLBuilder.
- You need to build XML parser instance for given options first before parsing XML.
- fix #327, #336: throw error when extra text after XML content
- fix #330: attribute value can have '\n',
- fix #350: attrbiutes can be separated by '\n' from tagname
3.21.1 / 2021-10-31
- Correctly format JSON elements with a text prop but no attribute props ( By haddadnj )
3.21.0 / 2021-10-25
- feat: added option
to set tag name for array input when converting js object to XML. - feat: added option
to force text node creation (by: @massimo-ua) - ⚠️ feat: Better error location for unclosed tags. (by @Gei0r)
- Some error messages would be changed when validating XML. Eg
{ InvalidXml: "Invalid '[ \"rootNode\"]' found." }
→{InvalidTag: "Unclosed tag 'rootNode'."}
{ InvalidTag: "Closing tag 'rootNode' is expected inplace of 'rootnode'." }
→{ InvalidTag: "Expected closing tag 'rootNode' (opened in line 1) instead of closing tag 'rootnode'."}
- Some error messages would be changed when validating XML. Eg
- ⚠️ feat: Column in error response when validating XML
"code": "InvalidAttr",
"msg": "Attribute 'abc' is repeated.",
"line": 1,
"col": 22
3.20.1 / 2021-09-25
- update strnum package
3.20.0 / 2021-09-10
- Use strnum npm package to parse string to number
- breaking change: long number will be parsed to scientific notation.
3.19.0 / 2021-03-14
- License changed to MIT original
- Fix #321 : namespace tag parsing
3.18.0 / 2021-02-05
- Support RegEx and function in arrayMode option
- Fix #317 : validate nested PI tags
3.17.4 / 2020-06-07
- Refactor some code to support IE11
- Fix:
<tag >
space as attribute string
3.17.3 / 2020-05-23
- Fix: tag name separated by \n \t
- Fix: throw error for unclosed tags
3.17.2 / 2020-05-23
- Fixed an issue in processing doctype tag
- Fixed tagName where it should not have whitespace chars
3.17.1 / 2020-05-19
- Fixed an issue in checking opening tag
3.17.0 / 2020-05-18
- parser: fix '<' issue when it comes in aatr value
- parser: refactoring to remove dependency from regex
- validator: fix IE 11 issue for error messages
- updated dev dependencies
- separated benchmark module to sub-module
- breaking change: comments will not be removed from CDATA data
3.16.0 / 2020-01-12
- validaor: fix for ampersand characters (#215)
- refactoring to support unicode chars in tag name
- update typing for validator error
3.15.1 / 2019-12-09
- validaor: fix multiple roots are not allowed
3.15.0 / 2019-11-23
- validaor: improve error messaging
- validator: add line number in case of error
- validator: add more error scenarios to make it more descriptive
3.14.0 / 2019-10-25
- arrayMode for XML to JS obj parsing
3.13.0 / 2019-10-02
- pass tag/attr name to tag/attr value processor
- inbuilt optional validation with XML parser
3.12.21 / 2019-10-02
- Fix validator for unclosed XMLs
- move nimnjs dependency to dev dependency
- update dependencies
3.12.20 / 2019-08-16
- Revert: Fix #167: '>' in attribute value as it is causing high performance degrade.
3.12.19 / 2019-07-28
- Fix js to xml parser should work for date values. (broken:
will receive the original value instead of string always) (breaking change)
3.12.18 / 2019-07-27
- remove configstore dependency
3.12.17 / 2019-07-14
- Fix #167: '>' in attribute value
3.12.16 / 2019-03-23
- Support a new option "stopNodes". (#150) Accept the list of tags which are not required to be parsed. Instead, all the nested tag and data will be assigned as string.
- Don't show post-install message
3.12.12 / 2019-01-11
- fix : IE parseInt, parseFloat error
3.12.11 / 2018-12-24
- fix #132: "/" should not be parsed as boolean attr in case of self closing tags
3.12.9 / 2018-11-23
- fix #129 : validator should not fail when an atrribute name is 'length'
3.12.8 / 2018-11-22
- fix #128 : use 'attrValueProcessor' to process attribute value in json2xml parser
3.12.6 / 2018-11-10
- Fix #126: check for type
3.12.4 / 2018-09-12
- Fix: include tasks in npm package
3.12.3 / 2018-09-12
- Fix CLI issue raised in last PR
3.12.2 / 2018-09-11
- Fix formatting for JSON to XML output
- Migrate to webpack (PR merged)
- fix cli (PR merged)
3.12.0 / 2018-08-06
- Support hexadecimal values
- Support true number parsing
3.11.2 / 2018-07-23
- Update Demo for more options
- Update license information
- Update readme for formatting, users, and spelling mistakes
- Add missing typescript definition for j2xParser
- refactoring: change filenames
3.11.1 / 2018-06-05
- fix #93: read the text after self closing tag
3.11.0 / 2018-05-20
- return defaultOptions if there are not options in buildOptions function
- added localeRange declaration in parser.d.ts
- Added support of cyrillic characters in validator XML
- fixed bug in validator work when XML data with byte order marker
3.10.0 / 2018-05-13
- Added support of cyrillic characters in parsing XML to JSON
3.9.11 / 2018-05-09
- fix https://github.com/NaturalIntelligence/fast-xml-parser/issues/80 fix nimn chars
- update package information
- fix https://github.com/NaturalIntelligence/fast-xml-parser/issues/86: json 2 xml parser : property with null value should be parsed to self closing tag.
- update online demo
- revert zombiejs to old version to support old version of node
- update dependencies
3.3.10 / 2018-04-23
- fix #77 : parse even if closing tag has space before '>'
- include all css & js lib in demo app
- remove babel dependencies until needed
3.3.9 / 2018-04-18
- fix #74 : TS2314 TypeScript compiler error
3.3.8 / 2018-04-17
- fix #73 : IE doesn't support Object.assign
3.3.7 / 2018-04-14
- fix: use let insted of const in for loop of validator
- Merge pull request https://github.com/NaturalIntelligence/fast-xml-parser/issues/71 from bb/master first draft of typings for typescript https://github.com/NaturalIntelligence/fast-xml-parser/issues/69
- Merge pull request https://github.com/NaturalIntelligence/fast-xml-parser/issues/70 from bb/patch-1 fix some typos in readme
3.3.6 / 2018-03-21
- change arrow functions to full notation for IE compatibility
3.3.5 / 2018-03-15
- fix https://github.com/NaturalIntelligence/fast-xml-parser/issues/67 : attrNodeName invalid behavior
- fix: remove decodeHTML char condition
3.3.4 / 2018-03-14
- remove dependency on "he" package
- refactor code to separate methods in separate files.
- draft code for transforming XML to json string. It is not officially documented due to performance issue.
3.3.0 / 2018-03-05
- use common default options for XML parsing for consistency. And add
method. - update nexttodo
- update README about XML to Nimn transformation and remove special notes about 3.x release
- update CONTRIBUTING.ms mentioning nexttodo
- add negative case for XML PIs
- validate xml processing instruction tags https://github.com/NaturalIntelligence/fast-xml-parser/issues/62
- nimndata: handle array with object
- nimndata: node with nested node and text node
- nimndata: handle attributes and text node
- nimndata: add options, handle array
- add xml to nimn data converter
- x2j: direct access property with tagname
- update changelog
- fix validator when single quote presents in value enclosed with double quotes or vice versa
- Revert "remove unneded nimnjs dependency, move opencollective to devDependencies and replace it with more light opencollective-postinstall" This reverts commit d47aa7181075d82db4fee97fd8ea32b056fe3f46.
- Merge pull request: https://github.com/NaturalIntelligence/fast-xml-parser/issues/63 from HaroldPutman/suppress-undefined Keep undefined nodes out of the XML output : This is useful when you are deleting nodes from the JSON and rewriting XML.
3.2.4 / 2018-03-01
- fix #59 fix in validator when open quote presents in attribute value
- Create nexttodo.md
- exclude static from bitHound tests
- add package lock
3.2.3 / 2018-02-28
- Merge pull request from Delagen/master: fix namespaces can contain the same characters as xml names
3.2.2 / 2018-02-22
- fix: attribute xmlns should not be removed if ignoreNameSpace is false
- create CONTRIBUTING.md
3.2.1 / 2018-02-17
- fix: empty attribute should be parsed
3.2.0 / 2018-02-16
- Merge pull request : Dev to Master
- Update README and version
- j2x:add performance test
- j2x: Remove extra empty line before closing tag
- j2x: suppress empty nodes to self closing node if configured
- j2x: provide option to give indentation depth
- j2x: make optional formatting
- j2x: encodeHTMLchat
- j2x: handle cdata tag
- j2x: handle grouped attributes
- convert json to xml
- nested object
- array
- attributes
- text value
- small refactoring
- Merge pull request: Update cli.js to let user validate XML file or data
- Add option for rendering CDATA as separate property
3.0.1 / 2018-02-09
- fix CRLF: replace it with single space in attributes value only.
3.0.0 / 2018-02-08
- change online tool with new changes
- update info about new options
- separate tag value processing to separate function
- make HTML decoding optional
- give an option to allow boolean attributes
- change cli options as per v3
- Correct comparison table format on README
- update v3 information
- some performance improvement changes
- Make regex object local to the method and move some common methods to util
- Change parser to
- handle multiple instances of CDATA
- make triming of value optionals
- HTML decode attribute and text value
- refactor code to separate files
- Ignore newline chars without RE (in validator)
- validate for XML prolog
- Validate DOCTYPE without RE
- Update validator to return error response
- Update README to add detail about V3
- Separate xmlNode model class
- include vscode debug config
- fix for repeated object
- fix attribute regex for boolean attributes
- Fix validator for invalid attributes 2.9.4 / 2018-02-02
- Merge pull request: Decode HTML characters
- refactor source folder name
- ignore bundle / browser js to be published to npm 2.9.3 / 2018-01-26
- Merge pull request: Correctly remove CRLF line breaks
- Enable to parse attribute in online editor
- Fix testing demo app test
- Describe parsing options
- Add options for online demo 2.9.2 / 2018-01-18
- Remove check if tag starting with "XML"
- Fix: when there are spaces before / after CDATA
2.9.1 / 2018-01-16
- Fix: newline should be replaced with single space
- Fix: for single and multiline comments
- validate xml with CDATA
- Fix: the issue when there is no space between 2 attributes
- Fix: https://github.com/NaturalIntelligence/fast-xml-parser/issues/33: when there is newline char in attr val, it doesn't parse
- Merge pull request: fix ignoreNamespace
- fix: don't wrap attributes if only namespace attrs
- fix: use portfinder for run tests, update deps
- fix: don't treat namespaces as attributes when ignoreNamespace enabled
2.9.0 / 2018-01-10
- Rewrite the validator to handle large files. Ignore DOCTYPE validation.
- Fix: When attribute value has equal sign
2.8.3 / 2017-12-15
- Fix: when a tag has value along with subtags
2.8.2 / 2017-12-04
- Fix value parsing for IE
2.8.1 / 2017-12-01
- fix: validator should return false instead of err when invalid XML
2.8.0 / 2017-11-29
- Add CLI option to ignore value conversion
- Fix variable name when filename is given on CLI
- Update CLI help text
- Merge pull request: xml2js: Accept standard input
- Test Node 8
- Update dependencies
- Bundle readToEnd
- Add ability to read from standard input
2.7.4 / 2017-09-22
- Merge pull request: Allow wrap attributes with subobject to compatible with other parsers output
2.7.3 / 2017-08-02
- fix: handle CDATA with regx
2.7.2 / 2017-07-30
- Change travis config for yarn caching
- fix validator: when tag property is same as array property
- Merge pull request: Failing test case in validator for valid SVG
2.7.1 / 2017-07-26
- Fix: Handle val 0
2.7.0 / 2017-07-25
- Fix test for arrayMode
- Merge pull request: Add arrayMode option to parse any nodes as arrays
2.6.0 / 2017-07-14
- code improvement
- Add unit tests for value conversion for attr
- Merge pull request: option of an attribute value conversion to a number (textAttrConversion) the same way as the textNodeConversion option does. Default value is false.
2.5.1 / 2017-07-01
- Fix XML element name pattern
- Fix XML element name pattern while parsing
- Fix validation for xml tag element
2.5.0 / 2017-06-25
- Improve Validator performance
- update attr matching regex
- Add perf tests
- Improve atrr regex to handle all cases
2.4.4 / 2017-06-08
- Bug fix: when an attribute has single or double quote in value
2.4.3 / 2017-06-05
- Bug fix: when multiple CDATA tags are given
- Merge pull request: add option "textNodeConversion"
- add option "textNodeConversion"
2.4.1 / 2017-04-14
- fix tests
- Bug fix: preserve initial space of node value
- Handle CDATA
2.3.1 / 2017-03-15
- Bug fix: when single self closing tag
- Merge pull request: fix .codeclimate.yml
- Update .codeclimate.yml - Fixed config so it does not error anymore.
- Update .codeclimate.yml
2.3.0 / 2017-02-26
- Code improvement
- add bithound config
- Update usage
- Update travis to generate bundle js before running tests
- 1.Browserify, 2. add more tests for validator
- Add validator
- Fix CLI default parameter bug
2.2.1 / 2017-02-05
- Bug fix: CLI default option