2023-07-19 21:31:30 +02:00

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# vscode-css-languageservice
Language services for CSS, LESS and SCSS
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The _vscode-css-languageservice_ contains the language smarts behind the CSS, LESS and SCSS editing experience of Visual Studio Code
and the Monaco editor.
- *doValidation* analyses an input string and returns syntax and lint errors.
- *doComplete* provides completion proposals for a given location.
- *doHover* provides a hover text for a given location.
- *findDefinition* finds the definition of the symbol at the given location.
- *findReferences* finds all references to the symbol at the given location.
- *findDocumentHighlights* finds all symbols connected to the given location.
- *findDocumentSymbols* provides all symbols in the given document
- *doCodeActions* evaluates code actions for the given location, typically to fix a problem.
- *findColorSymbols* evaluates all color symbols in the given document
- *doRename* renames all symbols connected to the given location.
- *prepareRename* the range of the node that can be renamed
- *getFoldingRanges* returns folding ranges in the given document.
npm install --save vscode-css-languageservice
For the complete API see [cssLanguageService.ts](./src/cssLanguageService.ts) and [cssLanguageTypes.ts](./src/cssLanguageTypes.ts)
- clone this repo, run yarn
- `yarn test` to compile and run tests
How can I run and debug the service?
- open the folder in VSCode.
- set breakpoints, e.g. in `cssCompletion.ts`
- run the Unit tests from the run viewlet and wait until a breakpoint is hit:
How can I run and debug the service inside an instance of VSCode?
- run VSCode out of sources setup as described here: https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/wiki/How-to-Contribute
- run `yarn link` in the folder of `vscode-css-languageservice`
- use `yarn link vscode-css-languageservice` in `vscode/extensions/css-language-features/server` to run VSCode with the latest changes from `vscode-css-languageservice`
- run VSCode out of source (`vscode/scripts/code.sh|bat`) and open a `.css` file
- in VSCode window that is open on the `vscode-css-languageservice` sources, run command `Debug: Attach to Node process` and pick the `code-oss` process with the `css-language-features` path
- set breakpoints, e.g. in `cssCompletion.ts`
- in the instance run from sources, invoke code completion in the `.css` file
**Note: All CSS entities (properties, at-rules, etc) are sourced from https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-custom-data/tree/master/web-data and transpiled here. For adding new property or fixing existing properties' completion/hover description, please open PR there).**
(MIT License)
Copyright 2016, 20 Microsoft
With the exceptions of `build/mdn-documentation.js`, which is built upon content from [Mozilla Developer Network](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web)
and distributed under CC BY-SA 2.5.